ESSCIRC 2023近日在葡萄牙里斯本召开,复旦大学微电子学院科研团队共发表7篇学术论文并做大会报告,成为本次会议发表论文数量最多的单位。7篇成果的研究内容涵盖医疗模拟前端、智能传感器接口、激光发射驱动器、高精度ADC和参考源等诸多领域。 ESSCIRC是European Solid...
ESSCIRC 2023近日在葡萄牙里斯本召开,复旦大学微电子学院科研团队共发表7篇学术论文并做大会报告,成为本次会议发表论文数量最多的单位。7篇成果的研究内容涵盖医疗模拟前端、智能传感器接口、激光发射驱动器、高精度ADC和参考源等诸多领域。 ESSCIRC是European Solid-State Circuit Conference,即欧洲固体电路会议的简称,始创...
Date: September 11 – 14, 2023 Conference Venue: Lisbon Congress Center CCL Praça das Industrias 1, 11300-307 - Lisbon (PT) Early bird registrations are open! Check out the conference program and register now! One of the top five conferences from both the IEEE Solid-state Circuits Society...
Date: September 11 – 14, 2023 Conference Venue: Lisbon Congress Center CCL Praça das Industrias 1, 11300-307 - Lisbon (PT) Early bird registrations are open! Check out the conference program and register now! One of the top five conferences from both the IEEE Solid-state Circuits Society...