4. Connecting Words/Linking Words 使用连接词 具体来看:1. Presenting Old (Given) Information before...
The point I am making is , Let me put that another way, In other words, As I have been s...
在确定了句子之间的关系之后,还需注意针对一种连接关系使用不同的connecting words。在English writing中,一种意思使用不同的表达是必要的。在英语写作中多样化的表达远比重复性的表达更受欢迎。最后,过渡句应放在自然表示连接的地方。通常情况下,过渡句不是放在一个段落的开始,就是放在一个意思已经表述完毕之后。...
Transitionalwords IntroductoryParagraphConcludingParagraph Step1:BeginwithaPoint,orThesis Yourfirststepinwritingistodiscoverwhatpointyou wanttomakeandtowritethatpointoutasasinglesentence.Tworeasonsfordoingthis:1.Youwanttoknowrightfromthestartifyouhaveaclearandworkablethesis.2.Youwillbeabletouse...
Achieve excellence with our paper writing service Balancing academic life can be hard, especially when you set ambitious goals. Our paper writer service makes it easier by connecting you with qualified writers. EssayHub experts provide step-by-step guidance, ensuring you complete your work on time...
Other Connecting Words In addition to transitions, there are three other kinds of connecting words that help tie together the specific evidence in a paper:repeated words, pronouns, and synonyms. Each will be discussed in turn. Repeated Words However, repeating key words helps tie together the ...
Editing is an essential part of the writing process. And it’s the part that students most often skip over. So much can be gained from taking the time to edit your work. Besides the obvious spelling and grammar errors, there’s fixing flaws in logic, eli
•Hereisalistofsomecommontransitionaldevicesthatcanbeusedtocueyourreadersinagivenway.transitionaldevices(connectingwords)(3):•1.Toadd and,again,andthen,besides,equallyimportant,finally,further,furthermore,nor,too,next,lastly,what’smore,moreover,inaddition,first(second,etc.)
must cohere, or stick together, so that your readers will be able to move smoothly from one bit of supporting information to the next. This section will show you how to organize and connect supporting details by using common methods of organization, transitions, and other connecting words. ...
TheThirdStepinEssayWriting CollegeWritingSkillswithReadings,9/e JohnLangan CollegeWritingSkillswithReadings,9/e ForeignLanguageTeachingAndResearchPress.Chapter4 Step3OrganizeandConnecttheSpecificEvidence yoursupportingmaterialbyusing:•commonmethodsoforganization•effectivetransitions•otherconnectingwords College...