When students wonder how to write a 1000-word essay and want to do it fast, they often ignore such an essential element of the writing process as an outline. In other words, they don’t have a detailed plan for the essay.It’s a mistake....
免费版字数是100 words,付费版最多可以到1000words 4⃣️ 点击Generate Essay 设置好关键词和字数后点击Generate essay 稍等片刻就会生成论文。 工具好用也不要过度依赖哦~~~ 在首页上,可以看到有两种模式可以选择,一种是 Essay Writer,一种是 Essay Outliner。点选了,Essay Writer,用户可以从AI Writer,AI Ou...
第二句 指出前面研究的不足gap: While much of the previous literature has focussed on..., there have been few studies which examine... 第三句 过渡句 连接上下面,引出你自己的观点Link gap to writer’s own research: Thus there is scope for further research which... 第四句 简要总结你自己的...
not more, so perhaps a 1000 words paper isn’t as much as you think. Before you formally plan to write a 1000 word essay, assemble your thoughts regarding your subject and consider what you truly
以一篇1000words的Essay为例,背景介绍和文献综述部分400-600words,方法和讨论部分300-400words,结论和其余部分100-200words。 第2个方面指研究内容的均衡。 以商科和社科研究为例,研究内容的均衡主要指理论研究,数据分析,模型分析三者所占篇幅的均衡。当然,这个部分需要我们在实际的研究和写作过程中根据实际要求有所侧...
这是因为很难一次记住一个超过太长大纲,以便你可以评估其大纲的质量。因此,为你的论文写一个10到15个句子的大纲,「如果长度超过1000words,则为每个主要大纲写几个副标题。」 This is because it is difficult to keep an argument of more than that length in mind at one time so that you can assess the...
第四句简要总结你自己的观点summary of writer’s own research:Therefore, this study aims to... 2.5 最后再开始写Introduction部分(耗时30 分钟) 因为前面都写完了,按照下面的方法,这部分你只需要10句话左右(是不是很容易了?)。 所以这部分最多半个小时就可以完成了。
第三句过渡句连接上下面,引出你自己的观点Link gap to writer's own research: Thus there is scopefor further research which... 第四句简要总结你自己的观点summary of writer's own research: Therefore, this study aims to... 4.最后再开始...
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