2. Expanding for Longer Essays: Longer essays give you more freedom. You can take a bit more time to build context and introduce key elements of your story. College introduction paragraph examples:“Standing on the stage, holding my speech in trembling hands, I couldn’t shake the feeling of...
“Show don’t tell” is generally solid writing advice, but for college essays, we’d recommend leaning a bit more toward the “Mostly show but than maybe also tell a little, just to be sure your reader gets it” approach (Though that’s clearly not as catchy a phrase). So show us ...
What are good topics for college essays? Good college essays may explore problems or challenges faced by students or youth, career choices, educational opportunities, and inspiring people; they may also address global or local challenges faced by the current generation of students, the dangers and ...
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What are good topics for college essays? Good college essays may explore problems or challenges faced by students or youth, career choices, educational opportunities, and inspiring people; they may also address global or local challenges faced by the current generation of students, the dangers and ...
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