Discipline is the core of everything in this universe. We observe that everything is working correctly as per planning in this universe. The sunrise and sunset, the exchange of seasons, the fall of nights and days, life and death, etc all are working on a perfect discipline. That’s to...
on and off the campus.Therfore‚ all the students shall conform to a high standard ofdisciplineand conduct within the campus in a manner Parallel to that of the students of institutions of National repute. He must inculcate in him/her the seriousness of career objective and shall‚ in ...
Wednesday When I was on my way home from school, I noticed that it started raining. The pavement was filled with pedestrians, including studentsheading homeand people finishing work for the day. However, my attention was drawn to a manhole cover on the sidewalk that was on the verge of bre...
schools, colleges, and office. We have to have discipline in every walk of our life. Discipline is more valuable in the army. Every soldier must follow certain rules and obey the orders of the commander. Discipline makes one a good citizen, too. So, it is necessary that we practice disci...
The School Principal is the chief guardian of school. He is responsible for the maintenance of discipline in the school. He looks after the students and teachers with great care. The principal is the head of the school administration. He is responsible for managing the school’s finances, curr...
to record the self-discipline objectives. This emphasizes the suitable adjustments we're making in our life and provides us with a record to look back on to see how far we've come. Our self-discipline will improve with time, and later we can apply it to many other aspects of our life...
Aspects such as decision-making, achieving goals, and proper communication learned from independence and assistance from another individual build up a skill called self-discipline. At every point in life, decisions are being made, goals are being set and with each of these points, self-discipline...
Short Essay for students on the importance of Games KAVITA There is a great truth in the saying,
Schools often put race into things and give more consequences to students of another race. So while I agree school discipline can get things in order, students do not typically get treated fairly. Most students generally are not trusted or treated equally. Depending on the situation, if it inv...
If some students cheat in quizzes, tests and exams, but receive no punishment, this will be quite unfair for the competition. To maintain college order, strict campus discipline should be adopted to punish those who violate the game law. Secondly, every group of men requires some rules to ...