Essay on Discipline The word ’discipline’ means a training that produces obedience or self-controlled behaviour to the orders of a proper authority. In every walk of life‚disciplineis of supreme importance. When a number of people are engaged to perform some colossal work‚ they must obser...
Discipline is the core of everything in this universe. We observe that everything is working correctly as per planning in this universe. The sunrise and sunset, the exchange of seasons, the fall of nights and days, life and death, etc all are working on a perfect discipline. That’s to...
she makes it to a university and has a scholarship. Throughout the entire book, Scar was able to seek the discipline she wanted from the very start, which gave her a large advantage on her road to success. Independence can get you a long way, especially in the choices you make and the...
Discipline and Nature:The nature around us also maintain strict discipline. Every day the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The moon maintains a cycle. The planets go around the sun on their specific orbits. Seasons change one after another. All these things are proofs of discipl...
Online learning offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing students to learn at their own pace and schedule. Learners can balance their education with other commitments such as jobs or family responsibilities. This flexibility promotes self-discipline and time management skills necessary for success in vario...
Echoing The Mother Discipline.(on art history)(Viewpoint essay)Mitter, Partha
enables students to acquire training and practical skills in a specific trade, vocation or occupation. It is also known as career and technical education as students develop skills and expertise in a specific discipline through manual practice. Vocational courses focus more on application based study....
DisciplineFines and suspension used. Pupils failing to produce homework are detained to do it. BoardingUpper sixth have own study bedroom, lower sixth share with 2; 50% are in dormitories of 6+. Houses of 40, same as competitive houses. Resident qualified nurse. Central dining room. Visits ...
Progress in sustainability science: lessons learnt from current methodologies for sustainability assessment: Part 1 Purpose: Sustainability Science (SS) is considered an emerging discipline, applicative and solution-oriented whose aim is to handle environmental, social a... S Sala,F Farioli,A Zamagni ...
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