要看老师要求的诶~~我们要求是不能copy and paste 我虽然总结了但是还是有和原文重复的句子TAT ... 好事楂堆 我一般写论文的时候核心定义会quote 。双引号加上具体页面的数字(a&b, 2020,p 12)这样子。这种不算抄袭。我理论课考试也这么干,但是老师指出来,考试中他更希望看到我转述,能确定我是否理解。
在引用的时候,你肯定不能就是直接把这句话Copy paste 下来。 举例说明: When Nick recalls the night he first goes to Gatsby's house, he states, "The lawn and drive had been crowded with the faces of those who guessed at his corruption- and he had stood on those steps, concealing his inco...
·Poor paraphrasing(copy and paste) 引用只是复制粘贴,导致相似度比较高。 References are only copied and pasted,resulting in high similarity. ·Poor(internet)sources 使用网络资源,权威性比较差。 The use of network resources is not authoritative. 以下推荐同学们一些常用的比较好的过渡转折的词句,同学们可...
If you plan on answering the USC short answer question regarding identity, for example, we wouldn’t recommend you copy and paste that essay. Sharing an entire life story. Biographies can be incredible pieces of work…they are also significantly longer than 650 words. If you are trying to ...
·Poor paraphrasing(copy and paste) 引用只是复制粘贴,导致相似度比较高。 ·Poor(internet)sources 使用网络资源,权威性比较差。 以下推荐同学们一些常用的比较好的过渡转折的词句,同学们可以在Essay写作中多加运用。 Effective Transitional phrases/sentences ...
也就是说,如果文章没有argument,就是一直在堆砌一些废话,一直在左copy右paste,天啊,导师怎么给你A? 你的观点呢?你的论据呢?你的依据呢?这些都是导师很认真看的。 2 其次,我们要探究怎么构思Essay 构思,这个太讲究了。就是:怎么写? 千挑万选,觉得...
2.You should reopen a file on your computer for each resource,so that you can edit the research information more carefully.When you type or copy and paste manually,make sure that the full citation information or URL and the date of the page you refer to are complete.For network resources,...
(1)直接copy & paste原文,无任何引用标注 这个是最低级的错误了,turnitin一查就能发现的问题。 (2)引用文献,遗漏相关内容 文中没有in-text cite,或者引用标注的不全面,东拼西凑也属于plagiarism。 (3)拼凑他人内容,也叫马赛克剽窃 使用部分他人的想法和观点,拼凑一些内容整合成自己的。这种一般比较难被发现,但是...
也就是说,如果文章没有argument,就是一直在堆砌一些废话,一直在左copy右paste,天啊,导师怎么给你A? 你的观点呢?你的论据呢?你的依据呢?这些都是导师很认真看的。 2.其次,我们要探究怎么构思Essay 构思,这个太讲究了。就是:怎么写? 1. 研究你要写的topic ...
All applicants must submit a personal statement of two to three pages in length. You may select any one (1) of the topics provided below. Please copy and paste your chosen topic at the top of your personal statement. The Admissions Committee reviews these essays to evaluate your writing abil...