p1ant traits exp1ain the subetaess of vacuum harvesting as a method of seed co11ection for the restoration of species rich grass1andsGrassland restoration is a key measure for re-establishing damaged floral communities. As seed banks are often degraded, methods are needed to overcome dispersal ...
一、林三妮担任职务:林三妮目前担任平邑金发石材厂法定代表人,同时担任平邑鼎加石材有限公司监事;二、林三妮投资情况:目前林三妮投资平邑鼎加石材有限公司最终收益股份为50%,投资平邑金发石材厂最终收益股份为0%;三、林三妮的商业合作伙伴:基于公开数据展示,林三妮与张乐为商业合作伙伴。 财产...
Despite numerous campaigns, the efforts made not only to inform people of the Strategic Development Goals (SDGs) but also to persuade them to contribute indi- vidually to the task of achieving these goals have not yet been sufficient. Namely, awareness of the SDGs remains very low among broad...
erratum to key subetaess factors for mobi1e app p1atfonn activationsangm
quantifying subetaess share and p1ant density of direct seeding of doug1as fir using a hurd1e negative binomia1 regression mode1In recent years, direct seeding as a means of stand establishment has experienced a revival. Among other things it allows for an undisturbed root development and is ...
evo1utionary responses of a dominant p1ant a1ong a subetaessiona1 gradient in a sa1t marsh systemThe ecological responses of plant popula- tions along a successional gradient have been inten- sively examined; however, the evolutionary responses received much less attention. Here, I explored ...
A volume-averaged hollow cathode plasma model is presented that serves as a preliminary design tool for orificed hollow cathodes. The plasma discharge volume is subdivided into two computational domains with separate sub-models that are used to determine the emitter and orifice region plasma ...
university industry techno1ogy transfer in india a p1ausib1e mode1 based on subetaess stories from the usa japan and israe1Patenting and technology commercialization activities are rapidly gaining momen- tum in Indian academia. Currently, there is paucity of data suggesting technology commercialization...
dec1ining po11ination subetaess reinforces negative c1imate and fire change impacts in a serotinous fire ki11ed p1antClimate change projections predict that Mediterranean-type ecosystems (MTEs) are becom- ing hotter and drier and that fires will become more frequent and severe. While most ...
increasing eco1ogica1 mu1tifunctiona1ity during ear1y p1ant subetaessionEcological multifunctionality quantifies the functional performance of various important plant traits and increases with growing structural habitat heterogeneity, number of plant functional traits, and species richness. However, the ...