A dirty area is a sublayer of a utility network that captures features that have been edited since the last topology network update / validation. After the topology network is updated, the edits (dirty areas) are incorporated and the utility network should no longer have dirty areas. A dirty...
class Esri::ArcGISRuntime::UtilityNetworkState Defines the current state of a utility network. These read-only properties provide detailed information about the current state of the utility network topology. For more information about dirty areas and/or errors in the network, see UtilityNetwork::di...
https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/help/data/utility-network/dirty-subnetworks.htm 1. Subnetwork details before editing 2. Added in a couple of new service connections 3. Validated the network topology to clean dirty areas 4. Tried to run the Update Subnetwork tool for that...
When validating my network topology on dirty areas it fails with a very generic error message. I tried it through the GP tool and get and if I just try it the data tab across the top of Pro I get either one of these. I just created this Utility network and getting this fro...
Call NetworkDiagram.Update() to update the diagram. DiagramHasDirtyFeatures The network topology has not been validated for the diagram features. Call UtilityNetwork.ValidateNetworkTopology(). Additional information about a network diagram can be obtained by calling the GetDiagramInfo() method. The ...
Contains the url and IDs of the utility network rules, subnetworks, and dirty areas tables or layers. UtilityNetwork owner String The portal user owner of the network. Network parsedUrl Object Converts url to a url object Network schemaGeneration Number The schema version of the network. Networ...
The dirty areas layer URL and layer id can now be accessed from the UtilityNetwork.networkSystemLayers. Support was added to query existing named trace configurations in a utility network with UtilityNetwork.queryNamedTraceConfigurations(). For instance, it is now possible to query the named trace...
When validating my network topology on dirty areas it fails with a very generic error message. I tried it through the GP tool and get and if I just try it the data tab across the top of Pro I get either one of these. I just created this Utility network and getting this from the ...
map.utilityNetworks.items.length > 0)) { return; } utilityNetwork = view.map.utilityNetworks.getItemAt(0); await utilityNetwork.load(); // function to add the dirty areas layer to the map addDirtyAreasLayer(); // initialize the UtilityNetworkValidateTopology widget const unValidateTopolo...
Demonstrates the workflow of getting the network state and validating the topology of a utility network. Use case Dirty areas are generated where edits to utility network features have not been evaluated against the network rules. Tracing across this area could result in an error or return inaccura...