arcgis arcade Reply 1 Kudo All Posts Previous Topic Next Topic 1 Solution by XanderBakker 10-14-2018 12:47 PM I think you can try something like this: function Convert2DateTime(date_text){ var months = {"Jan": 0, "Feb": 1, "Mar": 2, "Apr": 3, "May": 4, "Jun...
My goal would be to implement this is a Calculation-style Attribute Rule, updating the "UNQ" column as IDs change (Updates and Insertions). The error that is reported to me when attempting to save the same code in an Attribute Rule is: "ERROR 002717: Invalid Arcade expressio...
jsonText: Text - The JSON text to deserialize to an Arcade data type. Return value: Dictionary | Array<Any> | Text | Boolean | Number Examples Converts text to a boolean FromJSON("true") // Returns true Converts text to a number fromJSON("731.1") // returns 731.1 Converts text to...
Indicates whether the input value is not a number (NaN). A number is considered NaN in one of the following scenarios: -0/0-Infinity / Infinity-Infinity * 0- Any operation in which NaN is an operand - Casting a non-numeric text orundefinedto a number Parameter value:Any- The value to...
fieldName:Text- The name of the field (not the alias of the field) containing the domain. value:Text- The value to be converted back into a code. The returned code comes from the service metadata. subtype(Optional):Number|Text- The coded number or name for the subtype if the feature ...
Text functionsConcatenate - Count - Find - FromCharCode - FromCodePoint - Guid - Left - Lower - Mid - Proper - Replace - Right - Split - StandardizeFilename - StandardizeGuid - Text - ToCharCode - ToCodePoint - ToHex - Trim - Upper - UrlEncode Track functionsTrackAccelerationAt - Track...
For additional information see the implicit casting rules from Arcade.An example of this can be seen in the Park Amenities dictionary with the configuration to show the count for the number of sport facilities.In the script, there is a configuration option to show a count for the number of ...
container:Array<Any> - The input array to check. keys:Array<Number|Text> - An array of the keys or indexes to check in each level of the container's structure. defaultValue:Any- This value is returned if at least one of the keys or indices does not exist or the value at the specifi...
This value is returned in the output of the GetEnvironment function in Arcade expressions. Default Value:"" Example esriConfig.applicationName = "Sample Application"; assetsPath Property assetsPath String Since: ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.18 Overrides the URL for loading the API assets...
Free Online Arcade Tutorials 3 Performance Considerations On FeatureSet functions; Limit the number of fields On FeatureSet functions; Only request geometry if necessary, such as for use in geometry functions Within an Update operation, use the $originalFeature function to compare before/current values...