ESR-Logos REIT CEO discusses latest acquisitions in Japan and Singapore Adrian Chui, CEO of ESR-Logos REIT, discusses its acquisitions and its sustainability plans. Fri, Aug 2 20241:16 AM EDT watch now watch now VIDEO03:37 DOJ reaffirms Google must divest from Chrome browser to address anti...
ESR-Logos REIT’s property at 3 Sanitarium Road, Berkeley Vale, New South Wales In today’s roundup of regional news headlines, the newly formed ESR-Logos REIT plans to dispose of three buildings near Sydney, department store operator Wangfujing strikes a deal to acquire an outlet store in H...
ESR-Logos REIT’s managertold the Singapore Exchangeon Friday that it would dispose of the five-storey ramp-up warehouse called Pandan Logistics Hub along the main Jalan Buroh road in Singapore’s western region. The SGX-listed trust is exiting what it refers to as a non-core asset at a ...
ESR-LOGOS REIT is also a constituent of the FTSE EPRA Nareit Global Real Estate Index. ESR-LOGOS REIT is managed by ESR-LOGOS Funds Management (S) Limited (the “Manager”) and sponsored by ESR Group Limited (“ESR”). The Manager is owned by ESR (99.0%) and Shanghai Summit Pte. ...
“不同资产的增量,包括开发,背后都是资本的力量。”于2022年12月13日,ESR还宣布将江苏三大物流项目打包成REIT在上交所上市,旗下资产增加退出途径。 资料显示,拟发行公募REITs的资产为江苏富莱德仓储有限公司1-3期,其中第1期建筑面积13.50万平方米,2054年到期;第2期建筑面积8.56万平方米,2056年到期;第3期建筑面积...
ESR-REIT is committed to provide timely information and tools for investors including unit price, distribution information, latest news and corporate reporting.
而ESR作为亚太区最大不动产投资信托基金(REITs)发起人及管理人,目前其REITs总资产管理规模450亿美元(包括ESR-LOGOS REIT及ESR Kendall Square REIT这类新经济资产REITs)。 IIR据ESR集团2021年年报及2022年半年报,随着ESR集团致力于建立更广泛的新经济地产平台,数据中心是 ESR 的关键策略重点之一。透过2021年度策略性收...
$ESR-LOGOS REIT(J91U.SI) Australia’s E-commerce Trend and Trajectory 2022 Australia’s total online retail sale continues to grow, and the e-commerce penetration rate has now reached 14.3%. Although some major markets around the world have experienced
ARA为公共及私募投资基金进行集资、管理及提供意见,该等基金投资于各种传统房地产资产私募房地产信贷及基础设施,并且通过其附属公司Logos投资于“新经济”房地产资产,包括物流及数据中心(“新经济”)。交易完成时,ARA将持有Logos的86.4%股权。 建议交易将通过以下方式实施: 根据百慕达法律综合进行出售及购买由ARA若干股东...
ARA为公共及私募投资基金进行集资、管理及提供意见,该等基金投资于各种传统房地产创智天地资产私募房地产信贷及基础设施,并且通过其附属公司Logos投资于“新经济”房地产资产,包括物流及数据中心(“新经济”)。交易完成时,ARA将持有Logos的86.4%股权。 ESR称,进行建议交易的主要理由是创立亚太地区最大的房地产及房地...