the Mark II differs in that it now allows you to connect the battery's balance lead directly to the meter. This means that you can check each cell simultaneously to give an almost instant reading making this upgraded version even more user friendly than ever. Another upgrade is that you can...
interface in line with IEC 625-2 (IEEE 488.2) SCPI 1997.0 24-pin Amphenol female SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, PP1, DC1, DT1, C0 Rohde & Schwarz R&S®ESRP EMI Test Receiver 13 Version 04.00, May 2017 LAN interface Connector External monitor Connector User port Connector Output ...
Thus, ESR, while certainly not the blatent KKK type racist (by any means), appears to be more of a pseudo-intellectual, self describing non-racist, but really a subtle racist. The link on the Wiccan thing was interesting. I actually share some of ESR’s experience in terms of scepticis...
This means that, due to DAM-HAQ, criteria using PGA-VAS could be inaccurate for evaluating disease activity in patients with longer disease duration. One way to improve the accu- racy of assessing remission would be to change the cutoff value of PGA-VAS depending on the disease duration or ...
(c) Quantitative RT–PCR analysis of the abundance of ESRP1 mRNA in CD44v − 4T1 cells, shC CD44v + cells, shESRP1 CD44v + cells, and 67NR cells relative to that in CD44v + 4T1 cells. Data were normalized by the amount of Gapdh mRNA and are means ...
company.“One of my heretical opinions is that we worry way too much about licensing. And in particular; I don’t think we really need reciprocal licensing. I don’t think we need licenses like the GPL, that punish people for taking code closed-source,”he said. He goes on to explain...