ESQUEMA CORPORAL Y AUTOTOPOAGNOSIA EN PACIENTES CON LESION CEREBRAL*** NOTE ***Currently there is no abstract written for this entry. This might be because we cannot translate the original abstract, or we do not have reference to the original source material. This is where you can help.E...
ESQUEMA CORPORAL: UNA CONDUCTA BSICA PARA EL APRENDIZAJE DEL NIO CON AUTISMO. (Spanish).This article discusses a study of the body system of five autistic children. It incorporates the recognition of body parts nose, eyes, and head as well as behavioral repertoires such as the "ego". The...
O esquema corporal de criancas com dificuldade de aprendizagem. Psicol Esc Educ. 2011;15(1):15-22. Neto F, Amaro KN, Prestes DB, Arab C. O esquema corporal de criancas com dificuldade de aprendizagem. Psicol Esc Educ. 2011;15(1...