pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple esptool 以管理员身份运行:在某些系统上,安装Python包可能需要管理员权限。您可以尝试以管理员身份运行命令行工具,然后再执行安装命令。 检查Python和pip版本:确保您的Python和pip都是最新版本,以避免兼容性问题。您可以使用以下命令来更新pip: bash pyt...
v1.2 - UI tool for manage Espressif ESP32 microcontrollers with embedded MicroPython for MacOS, Windows and Linux: mini IDE, files manager, REPL, real time dashboards (sys/net), advanced features (gpio/mp3/leds/...) pythonwindowsmacoslinuxmacappflashserialfirmwaremicropythonesp32replidepypibootwi...
The latest stable esptool.py release can be installed frompypivia pip: $ pip install esptool With some Python installations this may not work and you'll receive an error, trypython -m pip install esptoolorpip2 install esptool, or consult yourPython installation manualfor information about how...
The latest stable esptool.py release can be installed from pypi via pip: $ pip install esptool With some Python installations this may not work and you'll receive an error, try python -m pip install esptool or pip2 install esptool. After installing, you will have esptool.py installed...
Add automatic PyPI uploading 4年前 espressif efuse: Update efuse table for esp32s3beta3 4年前 flasher_stub Stub: Add USB-JTAG-Serial support 4年前 test espsecure: Add test covering generating and extracting a key of version 2 4年前 ...
the commit message "Delete .github/workflows/release_esptool_pypi.yml": summary looks empty type/action looks empty the commit message "Tasmota changes": summary looks empty type/action looks empty the commit message "Update build_esptool.yml": summary looks empty type/action looks empty th...
Installation / dependencies Easy Installation You will needeither Python 2.7 or Python 3.4 or newerinstalled on your system. The latest stable esptool.py release can be installed frompypivia pip: $ pip install esptool With some Python installations this may not work and you'll receive an error...
Option 2: Install from PyPI using pip: Upgrade pip and wheel packages:pip3 install --upgrade pip wheel Install tasmotizer:pip3 install tasmotizer Then simply runtasmotizer.pyorpython3 -m tasmotizer.pyfrom the shell/command line Option 3: Clone the repo,pip3 install -r requirements.txtfol...
PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL: "https://dl.espressif.com/pypi" cache: paths: - "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.cache/pip" .use_esp_flasher_stub: &use_esp_flasher_stub | if [[ "$CI_USE_ESP_FLASHER_STUB" = "1" ]] then apt-get update && apt-get install -y jq wget https://api.github...
Easy Installation You will needeither Python 2.7 or Python 3.4 or newerinstalled on your system. The latest stable esptool.py release can be installed frompypivia pip: $ pip install esptool With some Python installations this may not work and you'll receive an error, trypython -m pip insta...