ESPnet2-TTS: Extending the Edge of TTS 模型概览 文本到频谱模型T2M model 自回归模型AR Tacotron 2 Transformer-TTS 非自回归模型NAR FastSpeech FastSpeech 2 频谱到波形模型(声码器)M2W model 传统信号 Griffin-Lim 基于GAN非自回归神经声码器 Parallel WaveGAN MelGAN Sty...
语音合成。语音识别 如有转载,请标注来源。 欢迎关注微信公众号:低调奋进 ESPnet2-TTS: Extending the Edge of TTS Research 本文为Human Dataware Lab. Co., Ltd,Nagoya University等在2021.10.15更新的文章,主要在ESPNET-TTS基础上提供更灵活更有的TTS的训练...
《ESPnet2-TTS: Extending the Edge of TTS Research》 背景 End-to-end text-to-speech (E2E-TTS) 缓解了文本预处理的复杂度,并以数据驱动的方式学习输入序列和输出序列之间的对齐关系,实现高质量的语音合成。 本文主要提供一个名叫ESPnet2-TTS的工具包,类似于Kaldi,基于Pyto...
This paper introduces a new end-to-end text-to-speech (E2E-TTS) toolkit named ESPnet-TTS, which is an extension of the open-source speech processing toolkit ESPnet. The toolkit supports state-of-the-art E2E-TTS models, including Tacotron~2, Transformer TTS, and FastSpeech, and also provides...
This paper introduces a new end-to-end text-to-speech (E2E-TTS) toolkit named ESPnet-TTS, which is an extension of the open-source speech processing toolkit ESPnet. The toolkit supports state-of-the-art E2E-TTS models, including Tacotron~2, Transformer TTS, and FastSpeech, and also provides...
Repository files navigation README espnet-tts-sample Please visit ESPnet: No description, website, or topics provided. Resources Readme Activity Custom properties Stars 4 stars Watchers 8 watching Forks 2 forks...
End-to-End Speech Processing Toolkit. Contribute to espnet/espnet development by creating an account on GitHub.
ESPnet TTS Frontend A tools collection of text frontend for ESPnet tts recipes. Install pip install espnet_tts_frontend Install with pyopenjtalk Requires cmake and cython git clone cd espnet_tts_frontend/ python pyopenjtalk # OR # pip ...
{hayashi2020espnet, title={{Espnet-TTS}: Unified, reproducible, and integratable open source end-to-end text-to-speech toolkit}, author={Hayashi, Tomoki and Yamamoto, Ryuichi and Inoue, Katsuki and Yoshimura, Takenori and Watanabe, Shinji and Toda, Tomoki and Takeda, Kazuya and Zhang, Yu ...
fromespnet2.train.class_choicesimportClassChoices fromespnet2.train.collate_fnimportCommonCollateFn fromespnet2.train.preprocessorimportCommonPreprocessor fromespnet2.train.trainerimportTrainer fromespnet2.tts.abs_ttsimportAbsTTS fromespnet2.tts.espnet_modelimportESPnetTTSModel ...