Want to know the NBA's top 25 all-time points leaders? Check out ESPN.com's NBA All-Time Leaders page!
All-Time #NBArank: 81-90ESPN IllustrationESPN.comJan 21, 2016, 09:55 AM ETEmailPrintAll-Time #NBArank's Top 100 rolls on with players 81-90. (Click here for91-100.)To create All-Time #NBArank, we put together a ballot with the 150 greatest players ever. Then our ESPN expert pan...
#AllTimeNBARANK# ESPN给出的NBA史上最强得分后卫10人排名如下:10.Earl Monroe;9.Reggie Miller;8.Ray Allen;7.George Gervin;6.Allen Iverson;5.Clyde Drexler;4.Dwyane Wade;3.Jerry West;2.Kobe Brya...
With less than a month before the 2024 NBA draft begins, players are making big-time decisions ...
想想看,当波尔津吉斯首次亮相NBA时,联盟历史上只有8名球员在赛季中至少投中100个三分球和100个盖帽。这6名球员中,包括7尺3寸的波尔津吉斯,仅在过去的三个赛季就完成了这一纪录。 Ben Simmons | Philadelphia 76ers | Age: 21 There have been big point guards before, most notably Magic Johnson (No. 3...
"NBA's all-time leading scorer and two more titles." “ 创造NBA历史得分记录,还有两个或者更多的总冠军。” "Rings strengthen the general public perception, so every ring he can get helps his case."“总冠军戒指最能得到广泛的认可,所以他得到的每一枚总冠军戒指都有助于他成为历史最佳。” ...
在最新一期的《不仅仅是运动员》中,勒布朗·詹姆斯表示,2016年NBA总决赛的历史性胜利使他成为有史以来最伟大的球员。“那个进球让我成为了有史以来最伟大的球员。这就是我的感受。我非常非常高兴能为克利夫兰赢得比赛,因为那里有52年的干旱. ...第一波情绪是当所有人看到我哭的时候,就好像,这就是52年来在...
1. In 2015, who will be the best point guard in the NBA? Kevin Arnovitz, ESPN.com:There are three legitimate candidates here: Chris Paul (the incumbent), Derrick Rose (the prime performer) and Kyrie Irving (the upstart). Paul will turn 30 in 2015, while Rose and Irving will be enjoy...
近日,NBA名记Windhorst在自己的播客节目《Brian Windhorst & The Hoop Collective》中谈到了詹姆斯的大儿子布朗尼。 “每个人都对布朗尼-詹姆斯有意见,”Windhorst说道,“有人跟我说这个家伙选秀能进首轮,不过不是因为他在USC(南加利福尼亚大学)打球有多厉害,而是因为联盟球队选他都是别有动机。” ...