url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/afx?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&serverTimezone=UTC driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 4.2第二种在resource文件夹下创建application.properties文件连接数据库 spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:...
Nature of Source Flow Active Inverter Phase Single Output Power 6000W Certification SAA, CE, ROHS, ISO9001, CCC Brand Growatt Type DC/AC Inverters Power Source Solar Power Circuit Topologies Half-Bridge Type Nature of Wave String Sine Wave Inverte...
Nature of Source Flow Active Inverter Phase Single Output Power 501 - 1000W Certification CE, ROHS, ISO9001 Brand Growatt Type DC/AC Inverters, DC/DC Converters, DC/AC Inverters Power Source Solar Power Circuit Topologies Push-pull Type Nature of Wav...
Nature of Source Flow Active Inverter Phase Single Certification CE, ROHS, CCC Brand Growatt Type DC/AC Inverters Power Source Solar Power Circuit Topologies Half-Bridge Type Nature of Wave String Sine Wave Inverter Model No. SPF 6000es Plus Weig...
activeMenu:'org',userSearchValue:'',orgSearchValue:'',searchUsers: [],userSearchShow:false,searchOrgs: [],orgSearchShow:false,defaultProps: {id:'id',label:'label',code:'code',isLeaf:'leaf',disabled:'disabled',},selectUsers: [],
importaxiosfrom"axios";import{userInfoStore}from"@/stores/counter.js";importrouterfrom"@/router/index.js";let config={baseURL:"",timeout:20*1000}const _axios=axios.create(config)_axios.interceptors.request.use(function(config){//1.去pinia中读取当前用户token ...
Average Lead TimeOff Season Lead Time: one month Peak Season Lead Time: within 15 workdaysOff Season Lead Time: within 15 workdays Peak Season Lead Time: one monthOff Season Lead Time: within 15 workdays Peak Season Lead Time: within 15 workdaysOff Seas...
(ORM 框架)、通用Mapper、PageHelper、mybatis-plus、upload(本地文件上传和七牛云文件上传)、redis-cache (缓存)、task (定时任务)、swagger (API 接口管理测试)、ureport2 (中国式报表)、打包成 war 文件、集成 ElasticSearch (采用原生操作 ES 的方式)、集成 Dubbo (采用非官方的 starter),后续会集成activemq,...
the expected requirement for any other antineoplastic therapy for SCLC while on the study; treatment with a live or live-attenuated vaccine within 30 days of first study treatment; known active central nervous system metastases and/or carcinomatous meningitis; and a history of noninfec...
mytimetotravel Our condo is one floor 2,000 sf and set up for seniors with safety bars in the bathrooms, etc. we have no responsibilities for anything outside our unit like roof, siding, landscaping, snow removal, sidewalks, etc. All our HVAC is in our unit and we control everything....