Experience the joy that the arts brings through a diverse range of performances all year round at Singapore's national performing arts centre.
Located on the shores of Marina Bay, Esplanade Theatres on the Bay opened its doors in 2002. It was constructed to be the center of performing arts for Singapore. The building contains a theatre which seats about 2,000 and a Concert Hall with a capacity of about 1,600. The theatre hosts...
滨海艺术中心 (Esplanade Theatres on the Bay) 其实,城市,也不总是严肃的,清醒的,理智的,它也总有那么一两个建筑让你偶尔想起,也会想要莞尔一笑。 那么,在这些让我莞尔,并觉得有趣的建筑,就数滨海艺术中心,又名新加坡国家表演艺术中心,坐落在滨海湾区的东部,分别毗连鱼尾狮公园和新加坡观光摩天轮,于2002年10月...
QQ阅读提供城市细节:新加坡城市设施,新加坡滨海艺术中心 (Esplanade-Theatres on the Bay)在线阅读服务,想看城市细节:新加坡城市设施最新章节,欢迎关注QQ阅读城市细节:新加坡城市设施频道,第一时间阅读城市细节:新加坡城市设施最新章节!
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1,滨海湾金沙MarinaBaySands 滨海湾金沙®是一处集娱乐、商务与购物于一体的综合娱乐度假胜地。作为新加坡最新的地标性建筑,滨海湾金沙坐落于新加坡中央商务区的中心地带,无论昼夜都同样活力四射。三座55层高的酒店楼宇拔地而起,楼宇顶端盛托着200米高的金沙空中花园,犹如漂浮在空中的巨型舰艇一般,重新构筑着新加坡的...
The Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay with DP Architects and Michael Wilford and PartnersIn collaboration with Atelier One, we worked to develop the external envelope system for the new Singapore Arts Centre which commenced construction in 1997. Esplanade, Theatres by the Bay, is a waterside ...
因而又名“榴莲艺术中心”。 滨海艺术中心是由新加坡DPArchitects和英国建筑设计公司Michael WilfordPartners共同设计,幵由TheatreProjectConsultants负责设计 剧院。其音乐厅可容纳1600人,是艺术中心的骄傲和瑰宝。音乐厅的音响设计 顾问是美国ARTECConsultantsInc.的拉塞尔.约翰逊RussellJohnson。
Esplanade –Theatres on the Bay is a charity, a not-for-profit organisation and Singapore’s national performing arts centre. We seek to entertain, engage, educate and inspire through the arts. We thank everyone who has helped us bring joy, inspiration and positive impact to Singaporeans from...