Clinic case: A 30-year-old male with no medical history presented with generalized abdominal pain accompanied by Kehr's sign. He is diagnosed with ruptured spleen by contrast-enhanced computed tomography and successfully treated with splenectomy. He was discharged 6 days after sur...
JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association : [11 pages], 18 Nov 2013. Available from: URL: Download references Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Varespladib trial terminated, increased MI ...
,CollegeoJMedicine,ThirdMilitaryMedicalUniversity,Chongqing400038。China) Abstract:Objective Toconstructaconditionalexpressionvectorcontainingesplinordertoobservetheeffectontheploidyin A549cells.Methods Tet—onregulatingplasmidwastransferredintoA519cellsundertheDoxinducedTetonregulatingsystemand ...
The medical oncologist has focused much of the time on the results of chemotherapy, and has forgotten a main issue in the global care of the patients with cancer: supportive care. Fortunatelly, things have evolved and today the management of signs and symptoms is a cornerstone in the ...
We report a case of IPT of the spleen in a 19-year-old male, who presented to the Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, New Delhi, with a history of pain and heaviness in the left hypochondrium. On clinical examination, splenomegaly......
In agreement with other authors, we chose initial medical treatment with antituberculous drugs, reserving surgery for refractory cases or in case of spontaneous splenic rupture. Hypercalcemia can be a presentation of granulomatous diseases. The isolated involvement of the spleen by mycobacterias is a ...
We report the case of a 24-year-old woman, with neither pregnancies nor vascular risk factors and past medical history of malaria, who presented to our emergency department complaining of abdominal pain after landing from a long distance flight. The physical examination and the complementary ...
MEDICAL researchSPLEENHEMATOPOIETIC systemLYMPHOID tissueFETAL deathMISCARRIAGEPREGNANCY complicationsABORTION complicationsUTERINE perforationPrimary splenic pregnancy is considered to be the rarest form of extrauterine pregnancy, only a few well-documented cases having been reported. We report a ...
Rectal procidentia is an uncommon but debilitating condition that often affects elderly patients with significant medical problems. Fecal incontinence is usually frequent. Abdominal rectopexy with or without sigmoid resection repeatedly demonstrate lower recurrence rates (2-4%) but in high-risk patients,...
A 26-year-old man complaining of gastrointestinal hemorrhage and abdominal pain The patientrsquo;s medical history revealed that one year before he had an abdominal blunt trauma. The angiography showed a giant pseudoaneurysm of the splenic artery with compression of the stomach. The patient was ...