最近在研究智能家居,温湿度监控方面除了自己 DIY 以外,也成功的被米家蓝牙温湿度计 2 小巧的机身、低廉的价格、超低的功耗所种草,趁着双十二下手了,这玩意多几个问题不大,比如房间和客厅都有温度计了,那我阳台贴一个,这样冬天出门前看看外面多少度我也知道了。 商品收到后自然是看看怎么接入 HomeAssistant,初步方...
Next, create a font: section in your configuration:font:- file: "fonts/Comic Sans MS.ttf"id:...
homeassistant entity_id: sensor.mirta_distance id: mirta_distance internal: true on_value: # Actions to perform once data for the last sensor has been received then: - script.execute: all_data_received ## Fonts used on display## # Google Sans Medium # Google Sans Bold # https://github...
logger:# Enable Home Assistant APIapi:encryption:key: !secret api_secretota:password: !secret ota_passwordplatform: esphomefont:- file: 'Google_Sans_Bold.ttf'id: small_fontsize: 14glyphs: [':', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7' ,'8', '9']...