restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF(默认值)- 尝试还原状态,如果无法还原,则默认为 OFF。 RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON- 尝试恢复状态并默认为 ON。 ALWAYS_OFF- 始终在启动时将引脚初始化为OFF。 ALWAYS_ON- 始终在启动时将引脚初始化为 ON 15.实时读取GPIO输入状态1/0 binary_sensor...
-platform:gpioname:"s31-plug-03 Relay"pin:GPIO12id:relay#The following will make this switch always on#restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON#on_turn_off:#- delay: 10s#- switch.turn_on: relaystatus_led:pin:number:GPIO13inverted:true What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? 2024.8.2 What ...
relay2,relay3]restore_mode:ALWAYS_OFF-platform:gpio# GPIO 4 Relay3 接 電風扇 弱檔位name:"gree...
reboot_timeout: $wifi_reboot_timeout # 无wifi连接自动重启时间,默认5min power_save_mode: none # 节能模式,启用的话不会一直连接wifi fast_connect: $wifi_fast_connect # 快速连接,不执行完整的wifi扫描,当存在多个相同wifi可能会直接连接到最弱的信号 ota组件 ota: safe_mode: true # 连续10次启动失败...
restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF - platform: monochromatic name: ${device_name}_blue_led id: blue_led output: blue_output restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF # interval: - interval: 500ms then: # ...
mode: box update_interval: never optimistic: true restore_value: true initial_value: 100 icon: "mdi:arrow-collapse-right" entity_category: CONFIG #Occupancy sensor binary_sensor: - platform: ld2410 has_target: name: Radar Target id: radar_has_target ...
restore_state: false turn_on_action:- s1.turn_on:- delay: 1s - s1.turn_off turn_off_...
restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_OFF on_turn_on: delay: 60s light.turn_off: screen_backlight display: platform: ili9xxx model: ILI9341 cs_pin: D1 dc_pin: D2 rotation: 270 id: screen I tried with lambda to output something and without. As soon as the ili9xxx display is present, the...
esp8266_restore_from_flash: yes arduino_version: 2.5.0 platformio_options: platform: 项目作用上面有介绍过 INFO:$device_name是使用了substitutions设定的变量。 INFO:编译后生成固件路径{build_path}/.pioenvs/{NODE_NAME}/firmware.bin ...