esp32_ble_tracker:scan_parameters:#We currently use the defaults to ensure Bluetooth#can co-exist with WiFi In the future we may be able to#enable the built-in coexistence logic in ESP-IDFactive:truebluetooth_proxy:active:true Anything in the logs that might be useful for us? [21:57:11...
secret esphomeesp32_ble_tracker:scan_parameters:#interval: 320ms#window: 160msinterval:1100mswindow:1100msactive:truedashboard_import:package_import_url:github://esphome/bluetooth-proxies/esp32-generic.yaml@mainbluetooth_proxy:active:truebutton: -platform:safe_modename:${device_name}_safemode_booten...
先解释你的疑问:keyid不变是因为搞错了它在ble object中的位置。你看看解密后的消息(即BLE MiBeacon...
esp32_ble_tracker,bluetooth_proxy Example YAML snippet substitutions:device_name:esp485esphome:name:${device_name}platformio_options:platform: -framework-arduinoespressif32@
esp32_ble_tracker (no settings)Common setup in a YAML file:sensor: - platform: ble_proxy hostname: ${name} mqtt_client_id: mqtt_client Required settings:hostname - name of this ESP32 device, used for MQTT connections mqtt_client_id - ID of the MQTT client that you set upOptional...
probot-esphome bot added small-pr and removed integration: esp32_ble_tracker has-tests integration: esp32_ble_server integration: esp32_improv integration: esp32_ble integration: esp32_ble_client labels Nov 8, 2023 fix: Fix broken bluetooth_proxy 5f5bd93 Rapsssito reopened this Nov 8, ...
{ota_pw} dashboard_import: package_import_url: github://esphome/bluetooth-proxies/wt32-eth01.yaml@main esp32_ble_tracker: scan_parameters: interval: 1100ms window: 1100ms active: true bluetooth_proxy: active: true web_server: port: 80 time: - platform: homeassistant id: homeassistant_...
// # # ### Acertar as gates ### # sensor: -...
. All are working fines and reports to HA for days without a glitch. Problem appear as soon as I start using the BLE tracker component (with or without any BLE sensors configured). If i can be of any help to assist on this issue, let me know. Currently trying to migrate all my ...