Ryan Munoz的小说取材于其外祖母的真实经历,文笔亲切自然,详细地描绘出早年墨西哥农业移民生活的含辛茹苦与他们之间的丰厚人情关系。虽然生活非常艰苦,但亲人与朋友之间质朴的情感,互相帮助,相亲相爱的温馨历史画面感人犹深。
Esperanza Rising.(Check it Out!)(Book review)Peterson, SonjaNew Moon
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Email Interest Level Grades4-7 Reading Level Guided Reading: V Lexile: 750L Accelerated Reader Level: 5.3 Accelerated Reader Points: 6.0 Genre HISTORICAL FICTION Booksource Subjects Chapter Book Great Depression Historical Fiction Latino and Latina Protagonists ...
Tita cries when Emet departs, left to fend for herself and the family, rising at 4:30 a.m. to boil the breakfast rice, washing the school clothes every day, making every tough decision — does she pay for a doctor’s visit or for more food? — on her own. When Emet first sends ...
It was incredible with the turquoise water, the soft wind that melts on your skin, and a gorgeous sunset to a full moon a-rising - pure heaven. We rode to two different beaches and enjoyed a little Paso Fino gait through a field.I will now take this ride on...
ESPERANZA RISING (Book Review).Reviews the book `Esperanza Rising,' by Pam Muoz Ryan.EBSCO_bspPublishers Weekly
Ryan, Pam Munoz. Esperanza rising.(Book Review)(Young Adult Review)(Brief Article)Kaplan, Deborah