Especially_vs_specially_-_English_In_A_Minute是【140集全】一分钟系列 | 60秒提高你的英语水平的第46集视频,该合集共计140集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
Specially, however, has a different meaning.Speciallymeans 'for a particular purpose' or 'in a particular way'. So:This sandwich wasspeciallymade.Dan made a special sandwich just for me. Thank you, Dan! 中文翻译: 汤姆 大家好!我是英国广播公司(BBC)学习英语节目的汤姆。人们经常混淆 "specially"...
Then there’sspecially. Another adverb that also means “particularly,” but it’s the term’s other definition that will help you keep this word straight: “specifically.” For example,he brought Spanish red wine over to his friend’s house specially because he knows it’s his favorite. S...
這個字表達的則是「為了某個特別的理由」,也就是「特別地」的意思。當我們想要說明某事是特別為了某原因而做的時候,就可以用 specially。 此外,specially 也經常會搭配過去分詞一起使用,因為過去分詞有「被動」語氣,所以可以表達出「某事特別被做」的意思,像是影片中的例句「這個三明治是特別做的。」因為想要三明治...
All the examples are the same: -His train was running especially late that day. -We were especially happy to see you. -I put the cake especially high. They all mean “more than usual.” Consider an alternative example: “The plutonium was placed in a specially designed container.” ...
Speciallycan refer to something with a distinct purpose, someone who stands apart from the rest, without insinuating that there is something or someone who is lesser: Specially trained dogs may be useful in helping to calm autistic children. ...
WORD CHOICE:especially, specially It is better to useespeciallyin front of adjectives to emphasize them, although some people also usespecially:The cake was especially good.|This part is especially interesting. Useespeciallyto say that something applies more to one thing or situation than to others...
2 examples of specially vs especially- English Only forum a decade - especially two decades - ago.- English Only forum A laptop, a computer, or a notebook? [Especially AE]- English Only forum a little kid, especially.- English Only forum ...
What is the difference between especially and specially? Explore the difference between specially and especially, their usage, meaning and examples, only at BYJU’S English.
Specialis a common adjective.Speciallyis its adverb form.Specialmeans "particular, distinguished in a...