LA DINÁMICA ESPACIO-TEMPORAL DE LOS INCENDIOS DE COBERTURA VEGETAL EN LA INTERFASE URBANO-RURAL DE LA CUENCA MEDIA DEL RÍO CALI (COLOMBIA)The fires of vegetable coverage constitute a common phenomenon in the urban - rural interfaces in the Colombian cities, as result of cultural practices ...
El borde como espacio articulador de la ciudad actual y su entorno The group of Investigation Urbano-Rural Interphases of the Javeriana University, it approaches in one first stage, the problematic one of the edge from four aspects. First it is an approach of the definition and history of ...
Buenos Aires nace como una ciudad planificada. El espacio de articulación urbanorural entre 1580 y 1720doi:10.24215/2346898Xe034Throughout the history of Buenos Aires there are different types of articulation between the urban and the rural system. The present work aims to unders...