ESP32 PWM (LEDC) timer wansn't correctly stopped. We were usingledc_timer_rst()to stop timer, which is incorrect. This section of IDF docsays: ledc_timer_set() ledc_timer_rst() ledc_timer_pause() ledc_timer_resume() Thefirst twofunctions are called "behind the scenes" byledc_channel...
{ //code determine if it is the correct sensor released //if it is the correct sensor we call xTimerStop() to stop the timer //else timer callback we let us know the sensor is not released if( correct sensor is released) { xTimerStop(); } } } else { ESP_LOGI(TAG, "sensor ...
timer->fsm = GPTIMER_FSM_INIT; // put the timer into init state // put the timer driver to the init state atomic_init(&timer->fsm, GPTIMER_FSM_INIT); timer->direction = config->direction; timer->flags.intr_shared = config->flags.intr_shared; ESP_LOGD(TAG, "new gptimer (%d,%d...