你好,编译esp-who中的example时报错如下,麻烦协助看下,好像没有这个esp-adc-cal的组件,感谢! rk3566@rk3566-VirtualBox:~/esp/esp-who/examples/human_face_detection/web$ idf.py set-target esp32 Adding "set-target"'s dependency "fullclean" to list of commands with default set of options. ...
[已解决] idf编译时提示找不到esp_adc_cal.h Mon May 31, 2021 2:32 am 我在我的工程里添加"esp_adc_cal.h"头文件,使用idf.py build提示找不到头文件,请问应该如何解决? 以下是我的cmakelist Code: Select all idf_component_register( SRC_DIRS modules freertos port packages INCLUDE_DIRS include...
esp_adc_cal.h Kconfig component.mk esp_adc_cal.c espcoredump esptool_py ethernet expat fatfs freertos heap idf_test jsmn json libsodium log lwip mbedtls mdns micro-ecc newlib nghttp nvs_flash openssl partition_table pthread sdmmc soc
Hi guys, I would like to understand more deeper about esp_adc_cal() library. I've always read in places that use the Vref or TP values recorded in eFuse, but I tested it on a board without both, which makes the library use the standard Vref, but it still worked so well that ...
请直接使用 :doc:`ESP-TLS </api-reference/protocols/esp_tls>` 或 :component:`mbedtls` API。 .. note:: 不再支持 esp_adc_cal 组件。 新的 adc 校准驱动在 esp_adc 组件中。旧版 adc 校准驱动已被迁移进 esp_adc 组件中。 要使用旧版 esp_adc_cal 驱动接口,你应该在 CMakeLists.txt 文件的...
你好,编译esp-who中的example时报错如下,麻烦协助看下,好像没有这个esp-adc-cal的组件,感谢! rk3566@rk3566-VirtualBox:~/esp/esp-who/examples/human_face_detection/web$ idf.py set-target esp32 Adding "set-target"'s dependency "fullclean" to list of commands with default set of options. ...
esp_adc_cal: Remove deprecated ADC calibration functions projectguscommittedSep 19, 2019 fe97d14 Commits on Feb 22, 2018 esp_adc_cal/Remove lookup table Dazza0committedFeb 22, 2018 0c9e2c0 Commits on Feb 13, 2018 esp_adc_cal/Add eFuse functionality Dazza0committedFeb 13, 2018 73cdf...