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My company has interest to enter in the world of Matter, but we don't understand the differences (apart from the flash memory) between the ESP32-C3-wroom and the ESP8685-wroom, and in general between the ESP32-XX series and the relative ESP-8XXX series of products. Can anyone help ...
2. ESP32-C3 has a slightly weaker anti-static ability. Pay attention to electrostatic protection in the dry season in winter; 3. Based on the 500mA power supply requirement, it is recommended that the wiring between the power supply and the ground is not less than 30mil. If the power ...
Esp32 Ram|Enhance your IoT projects with the versatile ESP32-C3 module, featuring Bluetooth connectivity and compatibility with Micropython for seamless programming and development.
Esp M|Enhance your IoT projects with the versatile ESP32-C3 Series, featuring the ESP8685-WROOM-04 module with integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth LE for seamless connectivity.
5. 检查L1和L2:您提到L1和L2目前是0欧姆电阻。这些电感可能对射频性能有影响。建议尝试使用合适的电感...
Just like the ESP8685, this package doesn't have SPI flash signals bonded out. ESP32-C2 is a lower-end chip compared to ESP32-C3, with less RAM and peripherals. Support for this chip is being added to ESP-IDF at the moment. I can't say yet whether ESP32-C2 will be marketed and...