This tutorial shows how to send data from one ESP8266 to multiple ESP8266 boards using ESP-NOW (one-to-many configuration). One ESP8266 acts as a sender; Multiple ESP8266 boards act as receivers. We tested this setup with two ESP8266 boards simultaneously. You should be able to add more...
Code For ESP8266 to Arduino Communication: The goal of this code is simple: to receive AT commands from the Arduino’s serial window to send them to the ESP8266, and to print the ESP8266’s response to the command or to other actions (such as receiving an HTTP request). #include<Softw...
ThingSpeak has multiple users collecting data on the platform for many years reliably. Some of these channels are updated by Arduino like devices powered from a wall socket and we can correlate the times when the device send data to when it was unplugged ...
Confirm one thing: SEND OK is replied by ESP8266 module to inform to host mcu that the data has sent successfully over the air (to remote peer), or just debug print?Contributor teetak01 commented Oct 10, 2019 @michalpasztamobica does this not look similar to
Send motion sensor data through an ESP8266 to a MQTT broker Principle Connect to a wifi AP Start a MQTT client and try to connect to a MQTT broker, restart until it does Publish data to topic /data/ each time GPIO is trigger (GPIO 2 in this case) Manual actions The device subscribe ...
Sample ESP8266 TCP Client Application. Designed to send sample single-byte of data to TCP server side. Just for demo purposes, byte value itself is generated based on 3 GPIO inputs and placed as 3 less-significant bits. - sigma-prj/esp-tcp-client
Arduino library for Art-Net (artnet) over WiFi, send and receive DMX data. Runs on ESP8266, ESP32, Pi Pico W, WiFi101 and WiFiNINA devices. - rstephan/ArtnetWifi