原理:下面我们将用到<ESP8266WiFi.h>以及<ArduinoJson.h>头文件,实质上就是通过ESP去访问我们的light.json文件,如果json文件中light的值是on的话,就点亮LED;如果light的值是off的话,就关闭LED(你可以在本地编辑json文件中light的值,来控制LED的开关)。下面是示例代码: #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>#include<Arduin...
WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); //WIFI模块的STA模式和AP模式有什么区别:AP是接入点,可以让用户接入。STA--Station无线终端,不接受无线接入,可以连接到无线AP,无线网卡工作在STA下 WiFi.begin(ssid,password);//开启WIFI //若是没有连接上:则一直打印... while(WiFi.status()!=WL_CONNECTED){ delay(); Serial.print...
wifi.setmode(wifi.STATIONAP)cfg={}cfg.ssid="Hello8266"cfg.pwd="11223344"wifi.ap.config(cfg)wifi.sta.confiG("TPlink","12345678")wifi.sta.connect()tmr.alarm(2, 1000, 1, function()if wifi.sta.getip() == nil thenprint("Connecting...")elsetmr.stop(2)print("Connected, IP is ".....
其实,只对字符'C'比较是否关机,是不太适合的,大家可以尝试写对字符串"OFF"进行判断确定关闭电脑。 所要资料: 和ESP8266 WIFI模块学习之路(9)一样,只是加三行代码即可
这里的主题名字是light002。结尾的002根据巴法云接口文档的定义即是灯泡设备。 巴法云接口文档截图 2.3 米家设置 打开米家app,底部--我的---其他平台设备--->点击添加--->找打巴法,登录你的巴法云账号,如果巴法云控制台有创建设备,设备就会自动同步过去了。 3...
Step 9: The HTML Code Overview The file “five_buttons.html” containing the HTML code is stored on the server. A (modified) copy of this file is sent to your browser when a request is received by the server. Within the file are two ”place-holders” (shown below inboldhighlight) ...
}if(message =="off"&& ledState) { digitalWrite(LED, LOW);// Turn off the LEDledState =false; Serial.println("LED is turned off"); } Serial.println(); Serial.println("---"); } Full Code #include<ESP8266WiFi.h>#include<PubSubClient.h>#defineLED 5// GPIO 5 (D1) for LEDbool...
Serial.println(WiFi.macAddress()); } voidloop(){ } 上传代码后,以 115200 波特率打开串行监视器,然后按 ESP8266 RESET 按钮。MAC 地址应打印如下: 保存您的主板 MAC 地址,因为您需要它通过 ESP-NOW 将数据发送到正确的主板。 ESP-NOW 与 ESP8266 的单向点对点通信 ...
4. Just like others, I am not in the mood to give a brand-name of my mesh, but I am targeting to make a nice light-weight protocol which can be implemented any WIFI module for mesh or even in mobile or computer. As I am trying to stick with Protocol and application layer, I thi...
If the sketch ends with "Communication with WiFi module failed!" check the wiring. Open the SetupPersistentWiFiConnection sketch from WiFiEspAT/Tools section in IDE Examples menu. Set the SSID and password on arduino_secrets tab. Run the sketch to make a persistent connection to your WiFi ...