// 连接的WiFi密码 ESP8266WebServer server(80); int led =16; int gpio15 = 15; int gpio14 = 14; void handleSensorData() { // 创建 JSON 对象 DynamicJsonDocument doc(1024); // 填充 JSON 数据 doc["msg"] = "连接成功"; doc["data"] = ""; doc["code"] = 200; // 将 JSON 对...
16、 我们前边完成了服务器连接,现在我们需要用ESP8266来连接OneNet服务器,只是将刚才的步骤用代码实现,我用的Arduino for ESP8266,Nodemcu,打开Arduino,点击文件-示例-ESP8266WIFI-WIFIClient 17、 上面两个分别为WIFI名称和密码,后面两个分别为OneNet服务器TCP登录IP和端口最后将代码修改为下图即可 18、 对于Lua脚本...
wifiMulti.addAP("taichi-maker2", "87654321"); // 这3个WiFi网络名称分别是taichi-maker, taichi-maker2, taichi-maker3。 wifiMulti.addAP("taichi-maker3", "13572468"); // 这3个网络的密码分别是123456789,87654321,13572468。 Serial.println("Connecting ..."); // 通过串口监视器输出信息告知用户No...
Your ESP8266 is an impressive, low cost WiFi module suitable for adding WiFi functionality to an existing microcontroller project via a UART serial connection. The module can even be reprogrammed to act as a standalone WiFi connected device–just add power!The feature list is impressive and ...
WiFiClient client; if (!client.connect(ruqest.host, ruqest.httpPort)) { Use_Serial.println("connection failed"); return 1; } delay(10); if (ruqest.postDate.length() && ruqest.postDate != "0") { String data = (String)ruqest.postDate; int length = data.length(); String postReques...
You do not put client.setInsecure(); just anywhere in your code. // Use WiFiClientSecure class to create TLS connection WiFiClientSecure client; client.setInsecure(); Serial.print("connecting to "); Serial.println(host); if (!client.connect(host, httpsPort)) { Serial.println("connection ...
if ((WiFiMulti.run() == WL_CONNECTED)) { HTTPClient http; Serial.printf("[www.zyzand.com]Connect to www.zyzand.com...\n"); http.begin("www.zyzand.com", 80, (String)"/IoT/clients/" + SN + "/index.php"); //HTTP int httpCode = http.GET(); int i = 5;//重试次数 while...
我有一个连接到arduino uno的ESP8266wifi模块。在ESP8266上,我设置了一个socket服务器,它工作得很好。我可以像我期望的那样和它交流。在运行ESP8266一段时间(比如5-10分钟)后,它会自动关闭(或进入某种睡眠模式)。LED熄灭)。然后我必须重新供电,并使用复位引脚对其进行复位。为什么我的ESP8266关机并与WIFI断开连接?
得益于Spacehuhn项目,我们可以利用 NodeMCU ESP8266自己动手组装WiFi干扰器(更为精准的无线网络Deauth攻击...