// system_update_cpu_freq(SYS_CPU_160MHZ); sprintf(buf, "compile time:%s %s", __DATE__, __TIME__); printf("uart init ok, %s\n", buf); printf("SDK version: %s \n", system_get_sdk_version()); printf("ESP8266 chip ID:0x%x\n", system_get_chip_id()); printf("SDK versio...
SN = (String )system_get_chip_id(); Serial.println(SN); onoffbutton.setCallback(onoffcallback); mqtt.subscribe(&onoffbutton); // 认证上网 http_request ruqest; ruqest.Referer=""; ruqest.host = ""; ruqest.httpPort = 80;...
接下是代码和方法。 一、添加定义 把这个获取ID放到esp_system.h中最为合适:先找到\components\esp8266\include目录下的esp_system.h,添加一下下面的函数定义,传入的参数是一个32位整形指针,用于存放芯片ID /** * @brief Get the chip id . * * @param chip_id the chiip id .length 32 bit. * * @...
shuju_zu_02.id[4] = system_get_chip_id(); spi_flash_erase_sector(139); spi_flash_write(139 * 4096, (uint32*)&shuju_zu_02, sizeof(shuju_zu_02));//写入flash os_printf("@@@xie_ru@@@:%s %s %d\r\n", shuju_zu_02.zhang_hao[32], shuju_zu_02.mi_ma[64], shuju_zu_...
10 得到芯片ID例程 void user_init(void) { printf("SDK 777 version:%s\n", system_get_sdk_version()); printf("ESP8266 chip ID:0x%x\n", system_get_chip_id()); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 11 如何学习SDK中的example 只要需要将目录E:\ESP8266_RTOS_SDK-2.0.0\examples\中的工程拷贝到 和...
This is ESP8266 chip with 1 CPU cores, WiFi, silicon revision 1, 4MB external flash Restartingin10 seconds... peripherals/uart_echo 这个项目用于演示ESP8266对于UART0的串口数据接收和发送. 因为UART0就是用于烧录板子的串口, 所以烧录后, 直接monitor就能进行操作. ...
This is the same as the output of the system_get_chip_id() SDK function. The chip ID is four bytes long, the lower three bytes are the final bytes of the MAC address. The upper byte is zero on most (all?) ESP8266s. Serial Connections The ESP8266 ROM serial bootloader uses a 3.3...
esptool.py chip_id On ESP8266, this is the same as the output of thesystem_get_chip_id()SDK function. The chip ID is four bytes long, the lower three bytes are the final bytes of the MAC address. The upper byte is zero on most (all?) ESP8266s. ...
3.2.3.system_timer_reinit Function:Reinitiatethetimerwhenyouneedtousemicrosecondtimer Notes:1.DefineUSE_US_TIMER; 2.Putsystem_timer_reinitatthebeginninganduser_initinthefirst sentence. Functiondefinition: voidsystem_timer_reinit(void) Inputparameters: null Return: Null 3.2.4.system_get_chip_id Func...
3.2.1.system_restore12 3.2.2.system_restart12 3.2.3.system_timer_reinit13 3.2.4.system_init_done_cb13 3.2.5.system_get_chip_id14 3.2.6.system_deep_sleep14 3.2.7.system_deep_sleep_set_option15 3.2.8.system_set_os_print16 3.2.9.system_print_meminfo16 3.2.10.system_get__heap_size...