参考ESP8266 Deep Sleep with Arduino IDE (NodeMCU)参考 ESP8266 Deep sleep mode参考The sleep states of the ESP8266 补充 对dht11 获取温度值 进行 light sleep模式测试 有可能是模块的原因 获取到的值不准确 因为每次都是获取到的初始化的值 可能会存在问题。(目前还不确定与轻度睡眠有关系没)...
安装了适用于Arduino IDE的ESP8266插件(如何在Arduino IDE中安装ESP8266板),转到“工具”,然后选择“NodeMCU(ESP-12E Module)”。这是您需要上传到ESP的代码: /* * ESP8266 Deep sleep mode example * Rui Santos * Complete Project Details https://randomnerdtutorials.com */ voidsetup(){ Serial.begin(115...
// Deep sleep mode for 30 seconds, the ESP8266 wakes up by itself when GPIO 16 (D0 in NodeMCU board) is connected to the RESET pin //Serial.println("I'm awake, but I'm going into deep sleep mode for 30 seconds"); //ESP.deepSleep(30e6); // Deep sleep mode until RESET pin is...
This guide shows how to use deep sleep with the ESP8266 (NodeMCU) using Arduino IDE. We’ll cover deep sleep with timer wake up and deep sleep with external wake up using the reset (RST) pin. To put the ESP8266 in deep sleep mode, use ESP.deepSleep(uS) and pass as argument sleep ...
Having the ESP8266 add-on for Arduino IDE installed (how to Install the ESP8266 Board in Arduino IDE), go toToolsand select “NodeMCU (ESP-12E Module)”. Here’s the code that you need to upload to your ESP: /* * ESP8266 Deep sleep mode example ...
我们将使用Arduino IDE编程ESP8266模块,这非常容易实现。确保已安装所有ESP8266开发板的文件。首先包括所...
Open your Arduino IDE and go toFile > Newto open a new file. Copy the code given below in that file and save it. void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.setTimeout(2000); while(!Serial) { } Serial.println("I'm awake, but I'm going into deep sleep mode for 60 seconds")...
ESP8266电源模式Arduino脚本代码 您需要的第一个脚本是NodeMCU的测量脚本。如果要测量实验多个周期的平均...
具有NodeMCU,Arduino和ThingSpeak的简单气象站http://-Hackster.io 硬件连接:SCL接D1,SDA接D2,VCC接3.3,GND接GND。 低功耗设计 ESP8266模块可以在以下模式运行: 1. 活动模式:在此模式下,整个芯片上电,芯片可以接收、传输数据。显然,这是耗电量最大的模式。
delay(1000); // 等待1秒 esp_deep_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(10000); // 设置深度睡眠10秒 esp_...