Wireless Module NodeMcu V3 CH340 Lua WIFI Internet Of Things Development Board ESP8266 With Pcb Antenna And USB Port For Arduino 4.9 7 ReviewsColor: Base For V3Product sellpoints Interactive Programming with Lua:Lua scripting enables interactive programming, simplifying IoT development. Small Form Fact...
NodeMcu ESP8266 Programming with Arduino IDE.pdf NodeMCU ESP8266 的 Arduino 编程英文教程,图文并茂,无目录,注意是 NodeMCU1.0 开发板的教程,英语不好者慎下 上传者:weixin_45715159时间:2020-06-27 esp8266-NodeMCU-API中文说明 esp8266在lua编程时调用API说明,英语不好的同学,应该有帮助,资料来源也可以百度 ...
which is particularly popular in the field of home automation. In addition to programming using the “Lua” language, the ESP8266 can also be programmed with the classic Arduino IDE (with C ++ and other modules).
使用Arduino开发,使用到的库GxEPD2、U8g2_for_Adafruit_GFX、NTPClient、ArduinoJson、ESP_EEPROM 使用心知天气个人免费版KEY(20次/分钟),需要自己去申请,然后在配网界面输入即可 提供适合3D打印的外壳文件 旧版本串口不正常解决方案 磁珠改为0R电阻或直连 ESD芯片换成SMS05C等其他单向ESD芯片或者不焊 确保PCB要求...
对单片机最早的认识是大一的时候刷到的C51单片机,那时候玩了一阵子感觉可玩性不高,后来有了解到Arduino,买了两Uno回来用Arduino开发感觉可玩性和快速开发都比C51强多了,再后来了解了NodeMCU这玩意,又入手了Esp8266、Esp32、Esp32 Cam、STM32,当时还是用的Arduino软件去参考各个帖子(自己做了些修以备自查)配置三者的...
Visual programming: Bounce- 使用Google Blockly的可视化编程环境; 使用Lua NodeMCU固件为ESP8266 / NodeMCU设计。 Visuino- 商业视觉编程环境。 Networking: ESP-LINK- Wi-Fi /串行桥,出站TCP和Arduino / AVR / LPC / NXP编程器。 ESP_WiFi_Repeater- Wi-Fi NAT路由器。/ 视频 ...
WithArduino ESP8266 IDEyou can load programESP8266directly, no need for additional Arduino board. First downloadArduino IDEand install it on computer. IMPORTANT: Download old version Arduino 1.6.5. It seems there are some problems with Arduino 1.6.6 and ESP8266. ...
allowing for a smooth transition from traditional Arduino programming to more advanced web-based projects. The ease of node update version management on Linux ensures that your projects stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the IoT world. In summary, the Wireless module NodeMcu v3 CH340...
programming HEX code on an attiny85 with the Arduino program an attiny with an Arduino Nano Attiny for your garden Capacative soil humidity sensor with attiny:part2 Capacative soil humidity sensor with attiny:part1 Garduino, an Attiny45 for your Garden ...