236. 向hassiatant的configuration.yaml配置文件配置域 # weather sensor: - platform: yr name: Weather forecast: 24 #未来24小时天气,可有手工按需修改 monitored_conditions: - temperature #气温 - precipitation #雨量 - windSpeed #风速 - pressure #气压 - windDirection #风向 - humidity #湿度 # 环境接收...
} 向hassiatant的configuration.yaml配置文件配置域 # weathersensor: - platform: yr name: Weather forecast: 24#未来24小时天气,可有手工按需修改monitored_conditions: - temperature#气温- precipitation#雨量- windSpeed#风速- pressure#气压- windDirection#风向- humidity#湿度# 环境接收温湿度- platform: mqtt n...
On my computer the secrets.yaml file in the root folder is a symlink to a file in my OneDrive folder. This way I have multiple backups of this file and don't have to worry about losing it and getting locked out of all my devices. Custom Components I have been working on updating ...
Finally you can add the sensors and the inputs slider into on group by adding the following to groups.yaml:office_plant: name: "Office Plant" icon: mdi:sprout entities: - sensor.office_soil_moisture_pct - sensor.office_voltage - sensor.office_battery - sensor.office_temperature - sensor....
BMP280andBME280temperature, humidity (BME280) and pressure sensor by Bosch TMP35andTMP36analog temperature sensors NTCtemperature sensors SI7021temperature and humidity sensor SHT3Xtemperature and humidity sensor over I2C (Wemos shield) AM2320temperature and humidity sensor over I2C ...