物联网-wemos D1 Mini (esp8266)实验三 --- WeMos D1Mini 连接 thingSpeak实时显示室内co2(MQ - 135)浓度,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
A 配件 12*12*6按键带帽子 按键帽 套件 ¥2 ESP32主控器(核心模组:ESP-WROOM-32)带专用数据线 ¥28 超声波测距模块 HC-SR04 超声波传感器 送全套资料 HC-SR04P ¥5.8 可编程远程继电器 ¥29.9 1.5W扬声器,带音腔 ¥4 进店逛逛 客服 店铺 购物车 加入购物车 立即购买 ...
Plug the ESP32 or ESP8266 board to your computer. With your Arduino IDE open, follow these steps: 1. Select your Board inTools>Boardmenu (in my case it’s theDOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1) 2. Select the Port (if you don’t see the COM Port in your Arduino IDE, you need to install the...
home-automationmqttarduinoesp8266colornode-redencoderbrightnesshome-assistantwemos-d1-miniesp8266-arduinodimmerwemosesp8266mqttwemos-mini UpdatedNov 19, 2018 C++ GiorgioCitterio/Motor-and-Sensor-Control-on-Arduino-Raspberry-Pi-and-ESP Star11 Code ...
The client (ESP D1 R2 Mini) is on the porch sensing and the server (ESP01) is inside the house listening. If the client’s ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) detects someone on the porch it sends a UDP packet “Sound the Alarm” to the server. The server then plays the tones. Everything...
HC-SR04,SRF05,SRF06,DYP-ME007,JSN-SR04T&Parallax PING)))™distance sensors VL53L1Xdistance sensor MAX6675K-thermocouple-to-digital converter NTCthermistor LDRlight-dependent resistor sensor Power monitoring HLW8012using theHLW8012 Library(Sonoff POW) ...
Good idea with a PCB, but then there will probably be room for a Wemos D1 Mini, so there are more input / output to work with, and more terminals to connect sensors, push bottons, LED’s with more … Reply Willem February 21, 2019 at 8:02 pm Did something like that! willem....
.pio\libdeps\d1_mini\ESP Async WebServer\src\SPIFFSEditor.h:16:101: warning: ‘SPIFFS’ is deprecated: SPIFFS has been deprecated. Please consider moving to LittleFS or other filesystems. [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 16 | SPIFFSEditor(const String& username=String(), const String& password=...
Vanzavanzu Smart WiFi Plug Mini Itead Sonoff BasicItead Sonoff Dual/Dual R2Itead Sonoff TH10/TH16 Electrodragon WiFi IOTOpenEnergyMonitor WiFi MQTT Relay / Thermostat Itead Sonoff 4CHItead Sonoff 4CH Pro Alterco Shelly1Alterco Shelly2Jan Goedeke Wifi Relay (NO/NC) ...
July 4, 2023 at 8:48 am Hi. I had problems waking the D1 Mini after deepsleep. It sent the usual gibberish on serial and then stopped. Solution: station.active(False) sleep(5) deep_sleep(10000) Reply Leave a Comment Comment NameEmailWebsite...