weaterTime = millis(); getCityWeater(); // nonli_show(); } if(millis() - nongliTime > 21600000){ //5分钟更新一次天气 nongliTime = millis(); nonli_show(); } scrollBanner(); weatherWarning(); imgAnim(); Serial_set(); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1...
DateTimes::getDates()//获取日期信息 DateTimes::getTemperature()//获取温度信息 DateTimes::setDateTimes(long timestamp)//时钟芯片和系统时间设置时间信息 DateTimes::getTimestamp()//获取时间戳信息 DateTimes::timestampAdd()//系统时间每秒++ DateTimes::saveCountdownTimestamp(long timestamp)//保存倒...
rtc.datetime((2017, 8, 23, 1, 12, 48, 0, 0)) # set a specific date and time rtc.datetime() # get date and time 深度睡眠模式 将GPIO16连接到复位引脚RST,然后可以使用以下代码来休眠,唤醒并检查重置原因: import machine # configure RTC.ALARM0 to be able to wake the device rtc = machi...
ESP8266可以连网,那就也可以通过获取网络时间来得到当前的时间: time_tgetNtpTime(){IPAddressntpServerIP;// NTP服务器的地址while(Udp.parsePacket()>0);// 丢弃以前接收的任何数据包Serial.println("Transmit NTP Request");// 从池中获取随机服务器WiFi.hostByName(ntpServerName,ntpServerIP);Serial.print(...
简介:什么是ESP8266呢?这个是WiFi模块,是一个由安可信科技公司开发出来的模块,这个模块的核心处理器ESP8266在比较小的尺寸封装中集成了业界领先的微型的MCU,它带有了16位精简的模式,主要的频率支持80MHz和160MHz,支持RTOS,集成WiFi,板载天线。 📕ESP8266介绍 ...
***/voidInit_BL0942(void){Serial.begin(4800,SERIAL_8N1);// 4800bps 无校验Serial.setTimeout(30);// 设置串口超时时间为30msmemset(serial_data,0,SERIAL_RX_MAXLEN);}/** *** ** \brief 每秒钟刷新一次,依次读(电压或者电流,和功率) ** ** \...
node.heap()curGMT = string.sub(response,string.find(response,Date 39、: ),string.find(response,Date: )+35)hh,mm,ss = string.match(curGMT, (%d+)%d*:(%d+)%d*:(%d+)%d* GMT) if hh = nil thenpr (# Geternet time from . host, (hh+tzone)%24).:.mm.:.ss)if (calibratedAft...
Avoid using Serial.print()-related functions inside ISR. Just for temporary debug purpose, but even this also can crash the system any time. Beware. Your functions are now part ofISR (Interrupt Service Routine), and must belean / mean, and follow certain rules. More to read on: ...
{ "getTimer": 0 } //返回(定时任务配置输出信息话题) //taskId为操作 202 为关闭开关1 { "timerNum": 2, "timerInfo": [ { "id": 1000, "status": 1, "time": "17:45:00", "week": "1111110", "taskId": 202 }, { "id": 1001, "status": 1, "time": "12:45:00", "week...
I had a few problems for uploading my program onto it for the first time .. but then google helps .If anyone else is having a problem a problem then the GPIO pin has to be made ground then reset then release them to enter flashing mode .And through the pins are 5 V tolerant they ...