IPAddress ip(); // this 3 lines for a fix IP-address IPAddress gateway(); IPAddress subnet(); WiFi.config(ip, gateway, subnet); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(ssid,password); while(WiFi.status()!=WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.print(""); Serial.pr...
ESP8266WiFiAP: fix IP address in some cases (#7363) LittleFS: Return FALSE on seek past EOF (#7324) Webserver: Flash size reduction for mime-type (#7312) BearSSL: Allocate stack for SigningVerifier (#7291) ESP8266HTTPClient fixes (#6476) Examples Update GitHub cert fingerprint in example ...
IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0); WiFi.config(ip, gateway, subnet); // Wait for WiFi connection while( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) { Serial.print( "." ); delay( 500 ); } I can now get a clean restart when the Loop WatchDog times out. ...
Serial.print("IP address: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); client.flush(); } void loop() { Trigger(); delay(5000); Trigger_http(); delay(5000); } Debug Messages This is just the debug messages generated via the Serial Port (Debug Level = HTTP_CLIENT). The sketch output is in...
3.1.5 setSTAStaticIPConfig —— 设置固定STA,包括ip、网关、子网掩码 函数说明: /** * 功能描述:设置固定STA,包括ip、网关、子网掩码 * @param ip ip地址 * @param gw 网关地址 * @param sn 子网掩码 */voidWiFiManager::setSTAStaticIPConfig(IPAddress ip, IPAddress gw, IPAddress sn){ _sta_...
I say try to pinpoint the exact line you get the exception at and focus the effort to fix there. I do that by placing printfs “Got here..” around the code and seeing if it ever gets reached.Alvie August 20, 2015 at 8:31 pm Martin, You lnow much of wifi API is in the us...
The W5100 bug(s) – and how to fix it (them) MQTT with the W5100 ethernetshield Arduino Atmega2560 with ethernet W5500 module DeepSleep Very DeepSleep and energy saving on ESP8266 – Part 1: Basics Very DeepSleep and energy saving on ESP8266 – Part 2: Sending data with HTTP ...
// 判断我们是否配置了sta(ip地址、网关地址、子网掩码),有配置就设置配置内容 if (_sta_static_ip) { DEBUG_WM(F("Custom STA IP/GW/Subnet")); WiFi.config(_sta_static_ip, _sta_static_gw, _sta_static_sn); DEBUG_WM(WiFi.localIP()); } //fix for auto connect racing issue // 如果...
Fix compile error when DEBUG is enabled. Add no-output option and return code on error to scrape_supported_devices Travis: Add scrape_supported_devices error check Update auto_analyse_raw_data.py to have a default Supports: section Treat compiler warnings as errors. (#1174) Remove calcLGChecks...
(b3); 1>、Add API system_restart_enhance: for factory test, support to load and run program in any specific address; 2>、Add APIs to get boot version and start address of current user bin; 3>、Fix compatibility problem of dual flash; 6、Optimize sniffer, structure sniffer_buf changed, ...