{ if (!s_emulator) { return ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_TIMEOUT; } if (!s_emulator->read(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(des_addr), src_addr, size)) { return ESP_ERR_FLASH_OP_FAIL; } return ESP_OK; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 测试一下我们刚才烧写进去的文件,就...
in fact, not an emulator. There are no games, and it has no sound. On the other hand, if you’d like to create your own games, log data from sensors, or display and interact with Internet-based information, this just might be the “console” for you...
调研之后我发现了这个repo (https://github.com/igorantolic/esp32-alexa-wemo-emulator),可以把ESP32模拟成一个Wemo的智能插座。这样Alexa就可以搜索到,并且可以通过语音控制了。在集成这个库的时候,我遇到了两个问题,首先这个模拟需要有自己独立的消息泵来响应Alexa的各种请求。这个消息泵和我们前面的Web服务器是冲...
The emulator will save the game status every 5 minutes. You can change that by changing the AUTO_SAVE_MINUTES setting The speed of the emulator is a bit slower than the actual Tamagotchi device on AVR, still, it is fun. On ESPs it runs smoothly. There are a few costs in the platform...
wemulator->listen(); } } Pre-Testing Test what we have so far (wifi and emulator), by running it with Alexa. This tutorial assumes that your Alexa device is set up and installed in your home. Test discovery: Say to Alexa,“Alexa, discover devices.” ...
与此的相似项目还有 Arduino Esp8266 Alexa Wemo switch emulator 确认无误后,我们就可以进入下一步的内容:在 Amazon Alexa 应用中搜索,并配置好对应的程序。 步骤4:连接 Amazon Echo 测试 NodeMCU 其配置过程如下: 打开手机上的 Alexa 应用 探索设备:点击左侧菜单选择:Smart Home -> Devices -> Discover 完成后...
•UART terminal emulator tool The default baud rate of ESP8266 is74880, therefore, UART tools that can support the default baud rate are recommended. Please note that certain USB-UART converters may not support all baud rates if users use a third-party development board. 1.3. Downloadin...
BK-0010-01 on ESP8266 emulator Resources Readme License GPL-3.0 license Activity Stars 30 stars Watchers 5 watching Forks 4 forks Report repository Releases No releases published Packages No packages published Languages C 87.5% C++ 8.1% Makefile 2.0% HTML 1.2% Assembly 1.0% Shell...
I replaced the digital logic by a microcontroller and used a DCF77 receiver module instead of the original 50-Hz derived timebase.Massimo FusariLuc LemmensElektor Electronics Worldwide
• PC UART terminal emulator tool, to send AT commands to the ESP8266. - The default baud rate is 115200. - PC tool should be set into the "New Line Mode", AT commands end with a new line (CR LF). ⚠ Notice: • Espressif AT commands have to be capitalized. ! /!14 1 201...