Android Studio报错 Gradle sync failed: error in opening zip file 新版Android studio 打开旧项目编译运行之后报错 Gradle sync failed: error in opening zip file。 解决办法:新建一个空工程,打开 文件对比两个项目的gradle版本,将旧工程的gradle版本改成新工程对应的版本,重新编译运行,然...
Arduino core for ESP8266 WiFi chip Quick links Latest release documentation Current "git version" documentation Install git version(sources) Arduino on ESP8266 This project brings support for the ESP8266 chip to the Arduino environment. It lets you write sketches, using familiar Arduino functions and... --chip esp8266 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_size 4MB-c1 0x0 /home/xy/AliOS-Things/platform/mcu/esp8266/bsp/boot_v1.7_921600.bin 0x3fc000 /home/xy/AliOS-Things/platform/mcu/esp8266/bsp/esp_init_data_default.bin 0x3fe000 /h...
flash为8M、16M、32M的esp8266串口烧写方式有哪些不同呢 =。=由于看了一些错误的文档,导致烧写一直chip sync error,以致折腾至深夜,在烧洗澡水的同时,仅以此贴献给那些在苦逼调模块的童鞋们。 0、准备工作 硬件部分: USB转TTL板(ch340,PL2302皆可) ESP8266-01模块 杜邦线(母对母) 软件部分: 装好TTL板驱动...
last_error = None # If we're doing no_sync, we're likely communicating as a pass through # with an intermediate device to the ESP32 if mode == "no_reset_no_sync": return last_error # issue reset-to-bootloader: # RTS = either CH_PD/EN or nRESET (both active low = chip in ...
Chip is ESP8266EX Features: WiFi MAC: b4:e6:2d:68:3b:96 Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Initial flash status: 0x0200 Setting flash status: 0x0000 After flash status: 0x0000 Hard resetting via RTS pin... 接下来,再使用:make flash 烧录即可了。
ESP8266 flash download tool不支持4M以上 FLASH? 麦斯多鲁特 我开盖换了一个W25Q64,3.9.7版一直报错。但是arduino和mixly都能正常烧录。 Flash real size: 8388608 bytes Flash ide size: 8388608 bytes Flash ide speed: 40000000 Hz Flash ide mode: DIO Flash Chip configuration ok. 换了3.6版发现,那些可...
I've always clicked "Erase" before burning. "Donotchangebin" checked. Tryed event additionally "make erase_flash" before burning and arduinos' " --chip esp8266 --port COM2 --baud 115200 flash_id --end --chip esp8266 --port COM2 --baud 115200 --before default_reset --afte...
ESP8266 flash download tool不支持4M以上 FLASH? 麦斯多鲁特 我开盖换了一个W25Q64,3.9.7版一直报错。但是arduino和mixly都能正常烧录。 Flash real size: 8388608 bytes Flash ide size: 8388608 bytes Flash ide speed: 40000000 Hz Flash ide mode: DIO Flash Chip configuration ok. 换了3.6版发现,那些可...
OR]:ESP8266 Chip sync error esp_sync_blocking.或者最后一行是:[line:351][ERROR]: Chip sync ...