WiFi.hostByName("ntp.nict.jp", timeServerIP); Make sure you can connect to your Wifi: char ssid[] = "mySSID"; char pass[] = "myWifiPass"; Edit these if you use different pins or lack a reset pin (use U8X8_PIN_NONE in the constructor): #define OLED_SDA 2 #define OLED_SCL...
Step 1: An Introduction to Neopixels Individually addressable LEDs or often called Neopixles have been around for quite some time now and you probably know them but, if you don’t, they are like normal RGB LED’s but as the name suggests the color of each one of them can be addressed...
WiFi.hostByName("ntp.nict.jp", timeServerIP); Make sure you can connect to your Wifi: char ssid[] = "mySSID"; char pass[] = "myWifiPass"; Edit these if you use different pins or lack a reset pin (use U8X8_PIN_NONE in the constructor): #define OLED_SDA 2 #define OLED_SCL...