ESP8266 and ESP32 OLED driver for SSD1306 display 中文 esp8266-07,ESP8266_01搭建开发环境ESP8266_02程序的编译与下载ESP8266_03SDK与Makefile的基本用法ESP8266_04管脚控制与软件定时器ESP8266_05ESP8266有几个串口?ESP8266_06硬件定时器与IO中断ESP8266_07基于PWM的
This is a driver for SSD1306 and SH1106 128x64, 128x32, 64x48 and 64x32 OLED displays running on the Arduino/ESP8266 & ESP32 and mbed-os platforms. Can be used with either the I2C or SPI version of the display. This library drives the OLED display included in theThingPulse IoT star...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于esp8266 ssd1306的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及esp8266 ssd1306问答内容。更多esp8266 ssd1306相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
You can either download this library as a zip file and unpack it to your Arduino/libraries folder or find it in the Arduino library manager under "ESP8266 and ESP32 Oled Driver for SSD1306 display". For mbed-os a copy of the files are available as an mbed-os library. ...
ESP8266+OLED屏实现天气预报+温度显示+NTP时间同步6屏带中文显示V8.8 V8.8:1.调整了气象文字,将WeatherStationFonts.h修改成了Readme.h,原来的字体放到了ESP8266_and_ESP32_OLED_driver_for_SSD1306_displays文件夹下的OLEDDisplayFonts.h中。 2.原来判断3天预报天气获取失败,会出现重启反复获取的死循环,所以将原...
ESP8266 and ESP32 OLED driver for SSD1306 displays库 用于驱动OLED屏幕显示内容 OneWire库 用于连接DS18B20 焊接/连线 我的接线方法:(你也可以按你的喜好来,注意修改程序中的接口信息) 3D打印外壳 模型是别人做的 作者Qrome 一个是0.96英寸版本的 ...
ESP8266_and_ESP32_OLED_driver_for_SSD1306_displays文件夹下的OLEDDisplayFonts.h中。 2.新增时间库,用来调取时间用于农历更新做判断,也可以用于实时时间显示和输出调用:int hours = timeClient.getHours(); int minu = timeClient.getMinutes(); int sece = timeClient.getSeconds(); int TodayDay = time...
Arduino Nano 和 NodeMCUESP8266读取 DHT11 环境温湿度数据及OLED显示 2024-08-13 18:04:17 将OLED显示器与NodeMCUESP8266连接的过程 在本教程中,我们将使用SPI 协议将 Monochrome 7-pin SSD1306 0.96OLEDDisplay 与 NodeMCU 连接,并将学习使用 NodeMCUESP8266在OLED屏幕上显示图像。
. First, we will learn to interface HC-SR04 with ESP32 and ESP8266 NodeMCU. After that, we will see the MicroPython example code to measure distance and display it on the MicroPython terminal. Secondly, we will see a MicroPython example to display measured distance (cm) SSD1306 OLED....