Windwos11 神光同步:在 Windwos11 上支持基于标准 HID 的灯效控制,设备只需在固件中增加 HID 动态灯效的功能,即可以直接在 Windows 系统内直接控制 ESP-KeyBoard 灯光效果,也可以与其他外设进行灯效同步。在此技术上 ESP32-S3 通过 BLE HID Device 和 USB HID Device 特性来实现。
功能支持有: 1)支持全键无冲 2)热插拔 3)蓝牙 USB 双模输出 4) 40+种的本地灯效和 WIN11 灯效同步。 代码仓库: 硬件开源: 固件下载:
I'm currently building a USB keyboard using the ESP32-S3 and when upgrading to the latest Arduino Core (3.0.0-3.0.4), the reporting of LEDs (Caps Lock, Num Lock, etc.) did not happen anymore, even though the typing works. Downgrading to 2.0.13 makes the code work again. I attached...
Finally, unplug the USB cable and power on the board.Power consumptionThe ESP32 is known to be power hungry... We use a 1500mAH battery for the keyboard, and the original ble_hid_device_demo would take over 100mA without midification, which means a poor 15-hour battery life. For ...
I run a custom esp32S3 Devboard using the native USB capabilitys. It basicaly acts as a USB HID Device sending Keyboard characters. GND VCC D- D+ are connected via AWG24 Tefzel cable to a USB Screw Terminal. Version 1: 50cm cable, No problem, everything works fine continuesly!
如题,我在keycode中设置按键为HID_KEY_MUTE无效,不知道有没有人出现过相同的问题,如何解决,我在做一个键盘,分别是音量加,音量减,静音,但三个keycode的无效 Code: [Select all] [Expand/Collapse] keycode[0] = HID_KEY_VOLUME_UP;//HID_KEY_VOLUME_DOWN//HID_KEY_MUTE tud_hid_keyboard_report(HID_...
Re: ESP32-S3 USB host interface to keyboard Postbychegewara»Wed Mar 23, 2022 2:58 am usernamewrote:↑ Wed Mar 23, 2022 2:24 am I figured the hardest part is making the connection to the USB device. But since this example is doing that already, shouldn't it be easy just to get...
ESP-KeyBoard 是一款使用 ESP32-S3 为主控的高性价比的客制化机械键盘。支持全键无冲,热插拔 ,蓝牙、USB、2.4G 三模输出,以及 40+ 种的本地灯效和 WIN11 灯效同步。自带 4000MA 的锂电池,ESP32-S3 优秀的功耗控制,可以让键盘的无线使用时间大大延长。 代码仓库:
在使用TinyUSB库为ESP32-S3开发HID键盘时,如果发现HID_KEY_MUTE无效,可能有以下几个原因:1. 确保...
我想通过hid直接实现与电脑的数据交互,尝试在tusb_hid例程上做修改,目前测试工具可以识别到键盘,鼠标外的第三个报告描述符,但是无法实现通信,想知道是在哪里配置出现了问题。 下面是我在例程上做出修改的地方: const uint8_t hid_report_descriptor[] = { ...