一、ESP32-P4开发板概述 乐鑫ESP32-P4_Function_EV_Board开发板就是基于ESP32-P4芯⽚设计的一款多媒体开发板。ESP32-P4搭载双核400 MHz RISC-V处理器,⽀持最⼤32 MB PSRAM。此外,ESP32-P4⽀持USB 2.0标准,MIPI-CSI/DSI,H264 Encoder等多种外设,可满⾜客户对低成本,低功耗的多媒体产品的开发需求。
Hello,currently I'm working on esp32p4 display module..I connected rtsp client as p4 and server another one,now my rtsp server sends high profile h264 decoder which not compatible for esp32p4 only has baseline profile.so its getting error in decoding the data and converts into display.How...
这款开发板不仅搭载了ESP32-P4芯片,还有ESP32-C6芯片,以及配备了丰富的外设接口,如USB 2.0、MIPI-CSI和H264 Encoder等,使其能够满足不同多媒体产品开发的需求。 WT99P4C6-S1开发板的设计考虑了开发者的便利性,其核心板的管脚大部分已经引出至排针,使得开发者可以根据项目需求,轻松通过跳线连接多种外围设备。
Image Signal Processor, H264 encoder SPI, I2C, I2S, ADC, UART, SD-MMC, USB JTAG I3C, USB2.0 OTG, MIPI-CSI, MIPI-DSI, Ethernet ESP32-P4 development board with Ethernet and USB JTAG ESP32-P4-DevKit 16.00 EUR In Stock Add to basket Non Isolated Power Over Ethernet (POE) module ...
P4 is supposed to be high performance (400 Mhz) highly integrated soc with AI implemented instructions, h264 hardware codec and a lot of other interesting things packed into hardware. It doesnt have wifi or bt, (if that is required then some of esp32 chips from C or S families can be ...
10、乐鑫推出高性能AI单片机ESP32-P4,带FPU,AI扩展,双核400M RISC-V,H264, JPEG硬解,MIPI CSI DSI I3C等 11、NXP的i.MX 95发布,M7 + 6个A55 + M33多核处理器发布 12、轻量型C++界面开发框架Dear ImGui 13、TDK推出各种传感器ALL IN ONE套件SmartBug 2.0 14、超详细的电磁辐射频谱图 15、ST开源了各...
10、乐鑫推出高性能AI单片机ESP32-P4,带FPU,AI扩展,双核400M RISC-V,H264, JPEG硬解,MIPI CSI DSI I3C等 https://www.espressif.com.cn/en/news/ESP32-P4 11、NXP的i.MX 95发布,M7 + 6个A55 + M33多核处理器发布 https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-processors/i-mx...
10、乐鑫推出高性能AI单片机ESP32-P4,带FPU,AI扩展,双核400M RISC-V,H264, JPEG硬解,MIPI CSI DSI I3C等 https://www.espressif.com.cn/en/news/ESP32-P4 11、NXP的i.MX 95发布,M7 + 6个A55 + M33多核处理器发布 https://www.nxp.com/products/processors-and-microcontrollers/arm-processors/i-mx...