常见的有30针脚(Pin)和36pin,还有ESP32CAM这种异形规格的 这使得与屏幕连接(SPI协议)产生不少坑,本文将会分析一下自己过程中踩过的坑 本文主要使用DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1(后文略称doit),通过TFT_eSPI(后文略称TFT)来驱动屏幕ST7789 Adafruit ST7789/ST7735也使用过,只用于和ESP8266连接(doit失败了) 并且TFT...
I have an ESP-Wroom-32D board. I'm using Arduino ID 1.8.19 When I choose ESP Dev Module, it doesn't work. I have to use DOIT ESP32 Devkit V1 DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1 has no partition schemes. Why? https://robotzero.one/arduino-ide-parti ... VHX7XMH6NY ...
I'm still confused on how to call a pin within code. Based on the second and third comment of this thread the pin #'s are the same on the left and right of the board. When I want to call a pin number in code what am I supposed to use?? For example ...