Hey all, I'm in the process in designing my first custom pcb using the ESP32 S3 chip. I'm encountering a problem where the device isn't recognized when plugged into my computer, so I can't flash my code onto it. I've tried multiple software solutions, but also can't see anything...
Hey all, I'm in the process in designing my first custom pcb using the ESP32 S3 chip. I'm encountering a problem where the device isn't recognized when plugged into my computer, so I can't flash my code onto it. I've tried multiple software solutions, but also can't see anything...
I have devboard with ESP32-S3-WROOM-1. My problem is that one of two USB ports began to be not recognized by Windows. Windows stops it with "Error 43 A request for the USB device descriptor failed.". Before this to happen I was able to use this port. ...
Reconnecting does not work, ESP will also not be recognized at the Arduino IDE. As the sketch contains an OTA feature, I can restart in Wifi Mode and update but that does not help, USB seems to be broken. What could be the issue? Schematic is attached....
ESP32-S2、ESP32-S3等ESP32-S系列的芯片都是带有USB OTG接口的。乐鑫去年9月的时候写过一篇题为“ESP-USB:乐鑫无线通信解决方案”的文章,文章中就写过关于ESP32-S3-USB-OTG板的相关内容。在这篇文章中,他们主要展示了USB的示例代码、中文文档,以及一点关于电路板本身的信息。具体的产品信息当时并不多。
简介:灵感来源与国外的smart konb,制作初衷为制作一个桌面力反馈旋钮,可实现与surface dial一样的功能。 开源协议 : GPL 3.0 创建时间:2022-07-17 10:00:14更新时间:2024-05-06 16:44:13 描述 设计图 BOM 附件 成员 评论 打开设计图¥388立即购买 ...
❌ Error: esp_usb_jtag: could not find or open device! e:\Espressif\tools\tools\openocd-esp32\v0.12.0-esp32-20230921/openocd-esp32/share/openocd/scripts/target/esp_common.cfg:9: Error: at file "e:\Espressif\tools\tools\openocd-esp32\v0.12.0-esp32-20230921/openocd-esp32/share/op...
When using a USB to download the program to the development board, if the port cannot be recognized, please enter boot mode (hold the BOOT button, then connect to the computer, and release the BOOT button). After the program is downloaded, press the RESET button to run the program...
// 从json中解析对应的result DynamicJsonDocument responseDoc(2048); deserializeJson(responseDoc, response); recognizedText = responseDoc["result"].as<String>(); 6.3.4. 百度文心一言大模型API访问语音识别会以文本的格式返回识别的结果,然后我们可以用这个作为百度文心一言的api的输入。文心一言api的调用代码...
点击上方的开发板选择栏,选择开发板和端口,开发板选择ESP32S3 Dev Module,端口选择USB typeC连接后的串口显示的对应串口(可通过设备管理器查看)。 4.1.3. 编译代码 点击左上侧的对勾图标,开始编译代码。 4.1.4. 烧写 开发板上电并进入烧录模式: 用typeC线连接ESP32-S3的USB转串口接口,如下图: ...