Using Esp32cam as a video streaming device and with the help of yolo v3 classifying objects and then converting to speech using gtts. tensorflowespressifgttsesp32-arduinoyolov3esp32cam UpdatedOct 11, 2022 C Excercise/Test project using esp32cam and tensorflow to detect people. ...
This example is wxWidgets GUI for the library demo, and integrate DNN Computer Vision use cases(YOLO V3, OpenPose). ESP32-CAM Opencv Example OpenCV highgui MJPEG stream player. Mac OS X or Linux cd /examples/MAC/ESP32-CAM Opencv Example/ ...
ESP32 Cam Car Parking Barrier Control: ESP32 Cam, Python OpenCV, Yolov3, & Arduino based Car Parking Barrier/Gate Control- Last… ESP32 CAM Engr FahadMay 31, 2023 4 47,532 ESP32 CAM with Python OpenCV Yolo V3 for object detection and Identification ESP32 CAM OpenCV Yolo V3: ESP32 ...