Did the board ever work with these 2 pins? Have you measured them with your I2C device connected to the board? Other pins worked with the external device or only with the logic analyzer? If you could help me out with these information I may have some other ideas about the problem, let...
Re: ESP32-C3-MINI SPI and I2C Quote by ESP_Sprite » Mon Mar 18, 2024 2:52 am I mean the pins the (internal) flash is connected, again, check the datasheet. Aside from that, if you want to be able to re-flash your ESP32-C3, it's obviously good to also keep from using...
Re: ESP32-C3 i2c sensors weird behavior by ESP_Sprite » Mon Jun 24, 2024 1:49 am Probably a library issue. As you have found, the C3 doesn't have dedicated I2C pins; you can use any of them for I2C. However, libraries might make assumptions there.2...
I2C软总线 软I2C(使用 bit-banging)可以工作在所有可输出引脚,通过machine.SoftI2C类进行访问: from machine import Pin, SoftI2C i2c = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=100000) i2c.scan() # 扫描设备 i2c.readfrom(0x3a, 4) # 从地址为0x3a的设备读取4个字节 ...
我们现在使用的是面包板模式,但我们要做一些修正,我们要用D3和D4代替D2和D3,这样SDA和SCL(i2c协议)就保持自由。 图2D1mini esp8266引脚布局 因此,新的连接模式变成这样 图3LoRa E32-TTL-100和Wemos D1 mini完全连接 当你处于睡眠模式时,e32把接收到的数据放在缓冲区,并立即转为低电平,当数据准备好时,返回...
本次实验采用的是ESP32-C3,可以使用Arduino来完成测试工作,这里我采用的是Arduino默认的ESP32-C3的默认I2C接口,你也可以在程序里指定使用哪些IO作为I2C。 默认接口配置文件在以下目录可以找到 C:\Users\Mint\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.9\variants\esp32c3\pins_arduino.h ...
FPC PINSBeetle ESP32 C3 PINSDescription VCC3V33.3V BLK(PWM调光)10背光 GNDGNDGND SCLK4/SCKSPI时钟 MOSI6/MOSI主机输出,从机输入 MISO5/MISO主机输入,从机输出 DC1数据/命令 RES2复位 CS7TFT片选 SDCS0SD卡片选 FCSNC字库 TCS3触摸 SCL9/SCLI2C时钟 ...
SDA 21/SDA I2C data INT NC INT BUSY-TE NC ripstop pins X1 NC custom pin 1 X2 NC custom pin 2When using FPC to connect the screen, please configure the corresponding pin numbers according to the GDL demo. Normally, only three pins need to be configured on different main controllers.Disp...
ESP32-C3 is a low-cost microcontroller from Espressif that supports 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® Low Energy ( Bluetooth 5 (LE)).Use RISC V as the core.There's a minimum number of pins on this chip, it's specifically designed to be low cost and for simpler projects than ESP32-Sx...