Save the setup file (Setup70tk_ESP32_C3_GC9A01.h) to your "...\Arduino\libraries\TFT_eSPI\User_Setups" folder, Add this line #include <User_Setups/Setup70tk_ESP32_C3_GC9A01.h> // Setup file for ESP32 C3 with SPI GC9A01 to your User_Setup_Select.h file, Comment the line #i...
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LVGL UI for ESP32 C3 mini 240*240 board (ESP32-2424S012) Topics ui native esp32 platformio ble chronos platformio-ide lvgl elecrow esp32-2424s012 2424s012 Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Stars 278 stars Watchers 13 watching Forks 60 forks Report repository Releases...