ESP32-WROOM-32E ESP32-WROOM-32UE 数据手册说明书 ESP32WROOM32E ESP32WROOM32UE Datasheet 2.4GHz WiFi+Bluetooth®+Bluetooth LE module Built around ESP32series of SoCs,Xtensa®dualcore32bit LX6microprocessor 4/8/16MB flash available 26GPIOs,rich set of peripherals...
ESP32-WROOM-32E & ESP32-WROOM-32UE 数据手册说明书 ESP32WROOM32E& ESP32WROOM32UE Datasheet Version1.1 Espressif Systems Copyright©2020
Startup code called from the reset vector determines the boot mode by checking GPIO_STRAP_REGregisterforbootstrap pin states. Depending on the reset reason, the following takes place: Reset from deep sleep:ifthe value in RTC_CNTL_STORE6_REG is non-zero, and CRC value of RTC memory in RTC...
pinMode(22,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(23,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(23,HIGH); Analog Input Pins Note that only a subset of ADC pins and functions are exposed. First, the supplied drivers expose only ADC1. The board layout of the ESP32-DevKitC only exposes some of the pins. Specifically, the f...
注意设计手册对WROOM封装的最小电路要求 带有SPIRAM时IO35/IO36/IO37不可使用; 部分支持ADC功能的GPIO在持续WIFI联网的情况下无法使用(下图黄色部分); 串口自动烧录电路接入GPIO0-BOOT和GPIO2-EN引脚,使用2个三极管实现 SPI设计应避开SPI0/SPI1,同时应尽量使用SPI默认引脚 其他电路不再赘述,均为基本的电源、烧录...
ESP32 WROOM 32E & ESP32 WROOM 32UE 数据手册说明书 F o r R u s s i a n M a r k e t ESP32WROOM32E &ESP32WROOM32UE Datasheet Version 1.2 Espressif Systems Copyright ©2021
ESP32 WROOM 32E UE 数据手册说明书 ESP32WROOM32E ESP32WROOM32UE Datasheet 2.4GHz WiFi+Bluetooth®+Bluetooth LE module Built around ESP32series of SoCs,Xtensa®dualcore32bit LX6microprocessor 4/8/16MB flash available 26GPIOs,rich set of peripherals Onboard ...
io_conf.pin_bit_mask = (1<<KEY1_IO) | (1<<KEY2_IO); //通过操控寄存器的方式 gpio_config(&io_conf); //上面是结构体赋值,赋好值了这里就要调用了 gpio_evt_queue = xQueueCreate(2,sizeof(uint32_t)); //创建一个大小为2的队列 ...
Open source schematicc and layout for use, please check out documentation. FCC-US, CE-EU, IC-CA, TELEC-JP, SRRC and KCC-KR certificate, four layer PCB, working temperature -40°C – 85°C, suitable for commerial development. About Version: ESP-WROOM-32D and ESP-WROOM-32U is new ve...
芯片ESP32-WROOM 所需环境的搭建可以参考我之前发布的文章 ArduinoIDE 使用安装以及ESP32库的导入(离线) 三 所需库 QRcode Github 链接 ...